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3种不同的分销渠道的4P(价格、产品、促销和地点)是不同的。网上精品店的产品价格非常高,品种有限,成为高地位的象征。本产品是专为某一特殊场合设计的礼品篮,或作为公司礼品使用,主要针对高级商务官员。它可以在网上买到,人们不能在商店里买到这些礼物篮。对于实体零售商和超市的分销渠道来说,费列罗巧克力、nutella、tic tac、kinder surprise等产品关注的是一个人在一天中的任何时候都可以消费的日常需求。这些产品的价格相对较低的网上精品篮的价格。这些都可以在超市和商店买到,而不是在网上的精品店。所以这清楚地说明了传统费雷罗产品的4p和网上精品是不同的,所以它不会对其他业务部门产生任何负面影响。与此同时,推出在线精品店背后的战略是一种市场渗透战略。使用非常创新的包装,并使其作为礼物篮他们是通过不同的分销渠道针对相同的目标市场。通过将其作为礼物呈现,产品的价值就发生了变化。它增加了更多的价值。使用互联网作为媒体,他们可以接触到广泛的受众。
The 4P (price, product, promotion and place) for the 3 different distribution channel are different. The price of the products in online boutique is very high and providing only limited number of variety to make it stand as a high status symbol. The product is a specially designed gift hamper for a special occasion or to be used as corporate gifts which is targeting the high business officials. It is available online and people can’t buy these gift hampers in the stores. For the physical retailers and supermarket distribution channels the products like ferrero chocolate, nutella, tic tac, kinder surprise focus on daily needs of a person which can be consumable at all the times of the day. The prices for these products are relatively low to the price of online boutique hampers. These are available in supermarkets and stores and not available online in the boutique. So this clearly says the 4p of the traditional ferrero products and online boutique is different so it will not have any negative impact on the other business segments. At the same time the strategy behind launching the online boutique was a market penetration strategy. Using very innovative kind of packaging and make it as a gift hamper they are targeting the same target market through different distribution channel. By presenting it as gift the value of the product changes. It adds more value. Using internet as a media they can reach a wide range of audiences.

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