Accounting Assignmnet代写:银行私有化
Keywords:Accounting Assignmnet代写

7月2日,标准普尔发布的2004年报告升级评级为“…长期信贷和存单评级…”[13]为曼联保加利亚银行从“BB”到“BB +”,这反映了一个稳定的经济前景。它还继续状态,前面的升级是由于“强大的好处……UBB源自…重组和现代化计划支持的外国战略投资者…”。[14],同一篇文章补充说,有持续改进的经济环境显示了一个支撑的高增长潜力强劲的竞争环境和政府支持稳健的宏观经济政策。支持上述的改善列弗针对美国美元,因为它从美元上升。54 2003年5月至0.66美元在2005年4月中旬[15]。考虑到上述,保加利亚银行应当利用作为本文的源与保加利亚国家银行。
Accounting Assignmnet代写:银行私有化
Government reforms, the legislation of tougher laws throughout all segments of society, the privatization of banks, compliance to IMF rules and the application to the European Union have dramatically changed foreign attitudes and their vision of Bulgaria. As a result of the foregoing investment inflows have increased dramatically. Currently the Bulgarian National Bank maintains the government debt registry as well as makes debt service payments and collects data from budget service banks regarding the state budget for which it receives a fee. Under the State Budget Law all commercial banks can act in this capacity thus opening this area to a cost effective application system.[12] The country’s pending admittance to the European Union has put all banks in the position of complying with the rules and regulations which are readily understood as well as issuing financial reports in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS). The progressive thinking of the European Union in aspects such as these are the reasons it creates confidence in the investment community for those countries that are members as well as those under consideration or pending membership as the strict guidelines utilized are known entities.
A 2 July, 2004 Report issued by Standard and Poors upgraded the rating for “… long-term credit and certificate of deposit ratings…”[13] for United Bulgarian Bank from “BB” to “BB+” which reflects a stable economic outlook. It also went on to state that the preceding upgrade was due to “… the strong benefits that … UBB derive from … restructuring and modernization programs supported by their foreign strategic investors…”.[14] That same article added that there have been continued improvements in the economic climate which shows a potential for high growth that is underpinned by a strong competitive environment and government support of sound macroeconomic policies. The foregoing is supported by the improvement of the lev against the United States dollar, as it has risen from $.54 in May of 2003 to $0.66 in mid April 2005[15]. In consideration of the foregoing, the United Bulgarian Bank shall be utilized as the source for this paper in conjunction with Bulgarian National Bank.