The incidence of infant mortality for developing countries shows that poverty and vulnerability have an impact not only on the quality of their lives, but also on the quantity of life. Concerns with the incidence and depth of poverty among children also reflect an understanding of the long-term consequences of poverty and vulnerability in childhood. The biggest detrimental effects of child poverty are not only it extends over the entire life but also it can generate intergenerational poverty persistence. Causes of intergenerational poverty has been explained by many scholars and many of the scholars agreed that child poverty is strongly associated it. Child poverty is associated with problems in schooling and school drop outs resulting in lower educational attainment. This lead to long-term effects on future productive capacity in their later life consequences follow by lower standard of living. Child poverty in under-developed and developing countries always leads to malnutrition and stunting. Malnourished girls, in particular, have a greater likelihood of giving birth to low birth weight babies jeopardizing their life chances. Nutritional deficiencies during childhood also lead to lower the learning outcomes, with inter-generational effects, because the education of mothers has been shown to be particularly important to children's wellbeing.Appropriate policy responses to child poverty and vulnerability are therefore very much important and if not appropriately tackle, these children are disproportionately represented among the income-poor, will suffer from severe deprivation. And their child poverty and vulnerability have rooted on them with long-term detrimental consequences for their future and even to that of their future generation, more children. There is much to be learned from existing policy responses to child poverty and vulnerability in developing and transition countries to understand their countries and child poverty situation, so that the world can help the children from these countries more appropriately.