
Collegial model is interpinned by integrative and motivating values. Integrative values are those that serve to draw individuals into collectivity and motivating values are those that shape individual and collective perceptions of needs and interests (Study Guide, p. 46). The implication of these values for leadership role in the educational system in Cyprus could justified since head teachers usually encourage the staff to take part in any decision-making procedure. In this way agrees for certain values the schools. Thus personal opinions (teachers', parents' students') are acceptable by others, differences and disagreements are shown in a democratic form. In addition, collaboration is promoted by head teachers. Every teacher, parent, student has its personal needs and interests. Head teachers try to help all members in personal and professional difficulties and offer ways in order for everyone to have a role in the school. Moreover, head teachers promote trust and confidence among all members, make constructive comments and encourage staff to participate in educational seminars and other educational programs.