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例如,群体思维和群体转移等现象可能会阻碍群体通过客观地评估备选方案来做出高质量决策的能力。根据(Robbins, Millett, & Waters-Marsh, 2004),群体思维与群体规范相关。它描述了群体之间的压力可能会消除不寻常的、少数的或不受欢迎的观点在决策时的评估。群体转移是一种情况,当群体做出决定时,他们可能会做出更冒险的决定,因为成员最初的立场被夸大到更极端的立场。此外(Robbins, Millett, & Waters-Marsh, 2004)已经确定了许多可能影响群体表现的因素,而不是作者通过她的10个关键特征确定的群体动力学。群体的规模、群体执行资源的可获得性、社会游手好闲等都会对群体的结果产生很大的影响。从前面提到的缺点来看,很明显,群体思维现象可能与她在文章中提到的凝聚力特质相矛盾。她曾提到,凝聚力是表现中的一个重要动力。没有凝聚力,一个团队就会分崩离析。但是她没有提到凝聚力的限制,因为正如前面提到的,极度的凝聚力会导致群体思维,最终影响群体的有效决策。
For an example phenomenon like groupthink and groupshift that could hinder the ability of the group to come into quality decisions by evaluating alternatives objectively. According to (Robbins, Millett, & Waters-Marsh, 2004) groupthink is related to the group norms. It describes that with the pressure from group to conformity group may eliminate unusual, minority or unpopular views from evaluating when making decision. Groupshift is a situation where when group arriving at a decision they could go for more risky decision as members initial positions are exaggerated toward more extreme positions.Further (Robbins, Millett, & Waters-Marsh, 2004) has identified many factors that could affect group performances than the group dynamics that have been identified by the author of the article through her 10 critical traits. Size of the group, availability of resources for a group to perform, effects of social loafing, etc. could affect the outcome of groups greatly.From the shortcomings mentioned earlier it is clear that the phenomenon of groupthink could clearly contradict with cohesiveness trait that she has mentioned in the article. She has mentioned that cohesiveness as an important dynamic in performance. Without cohesiveness a group can fall apart. But she has failed to mention the limit of cohesiveness because as mentioned earlier, extreme cohesiveness can cause groupthink and ultimately affect the effective decision making in the group.

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