
根据立法法的七/ MPR / 2001对印度尼西亚未来的憧憬2001年11月9日,2020印尼的目标是把印度尼西亚作为一个宗教社会、人文、团结、民主、公正、繁荣的,先进的,独立的,并在国家管理良好和干净。它也注意到,公司的业绩2020发生在全球自由贸易时代重要,其中印度尼西亚是东盟成员国,东盟公司成功的2020,也因为它也是APEC的成员,它也必须成功的“数字经济”亚太经合组织。因此,在全球化的贸易和投资自由化的时代,生活的本质就不再成为必然。即使发达国家已经准备面对的未来学家Keniche Ohmae(陆基托。…)称为“无国界的世界形势。这种趋势使得贸易增长如此迅速,不再能够预测其发展方向。这些全球的巨大的发展变化迫使每一个国家,包括印度尼西亚,鼓励技术和知识的加速度作为其竞争优势的基础。世界上一个显着的变化,今天是一个国际经济的发展,导致了知识经济(KBE)。在这个知识经济,知识和创新是更多的经济活动的影响,这将最终决定一个国家的人民的经济福利。科技的快速发展对竞争和快速变化的商业环境。这种技术发展的因素是一个公司成功的决定因素,因为它将直接关系到公司的管理有效性的知识创造新的技术。这种情况发生在工业和国民经济(治理)的水平,该行业或经济绩效取决于创造创新过程中知识的能力。
According to Legislative Act Num. VII/MPR/2001 on November 9, 2001 on Future Vision of Indonesia, Indonesian Vision of 2020 is to make Indonesia as a religious society, humane, united, democratic, just, prosperous, advanced, independent, and good and clean in the nation administration. It is also important to note that the achievement of Vision 2020 took place in an era of global free trade, in which Indonesia is also a member of ASEAN, should succeed the ASEAN Vision 2020, and also because it is also a member of APEC, it must also succeed "Digital Economy" of APEC. Thus the nature of life in the era of globalization characterized by liberalization of trade and investment could no longer inevitable. Even developed countries already preparing themselves to face the situation by futurologist Keniche Ohmae (Lukita. ...) called the borderless world situation. This trend makes the trade growing so rapidly, that no longer able to predict the direction of its development. The development of these global world enormous changes forces every country, including Indonesia, to encourage the acceleration of technology and knowledge as a basis of its competitive excellence.One of the significant changes in the world today is an international economic development that leads to a Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE). In this KBE, knowledge and innovation are considered more influence economic activity, which will ultimately determine the economic welfare of the people of a country. Rapid technological development affects competition and rapid changes in business environment. The factor of such technological development is a determining factor of a company success, because it will be directly related to the company's management effectiveness in producing the knowledge to create new technologies. This condition occurs in both the industry and national economy (governance) level, that the industry or economic performance depends on the ability to process knowledge in creating innovation.