Biology Assignment代写:味觉科学
Keywords:Biology Assignment代写

味觉科学家透露,造成辛辣口味的秘密力量称为山椒素。这是一个成分是负责的麻木,刺痛的感觉吃煮熟的花椒食品引起的。有趣的是,该山椒素没有味道的成分,而是像一个振动器,胳肢我们的味蕾。它触发了颤抖的运动,然后由我们的舌头上的特殊触觉传感器检测到。显然,山椒素被发现在一个东方的香料非常丰富,被称为花椒,这是广泛分布在英国所有的中国餐馆。 为了研究这个问题,Hagura博士和他的研究团队在伦敦大学学院发明了一个有趣的实验,对山椒素。的山椒素应用于参与者的下唇。他们的右手食指附着在产生振动的电极上。当刺激被感觉到的,要求被试判断带来的刺痛感唇上它与机械振动的应用到自己的右手食指的频率的频率的比较。 因此,大多数与会者认为大约是50赫兹,这对应于触觉RA1传入纤维的频率。根据大脑解剖,RA1地区负责检测轻触觉和振动。振动受体告诉你,例如,你的手指穿过丝绸或牛仔布。因此,山椒素因此而导致的味道,但触觉因子产生振动的感觉,活跃的味蕾。
Biology Assignment代写:味觉科学
Gustatory scientists have revealed that the secret power that creates the taste of spicy is called the sanshool. This is an ingredient that’s responsible for the numbing, tingling sensation caused by eating food cooked with Szechuan peppercorns. Interestingly enough, the sanshool does not have a taste component, but rather acts like a vibrator, tickling our taste buds. It triggers the motion of trembling, which is then detected by the special tactile sensors on our tongues. Apparently, sanshool is found very rich in an oriental spice, known as the Szechuan pepper, which is widely distributed in all the Chinese restaurants in Britain.
To investigate this, Dr Hagura and his research team at University College London have devised an interesting experiment on the sanshool. The sanshool was applied to the lower lip of participants. Their right index finger was attached to electrodes that generate vibrations. When pungency was sensed, participants were asked to judge the frequency of the tingly sensation brought on the lip by comparing it with the frequency of mechanical vibrations applied to their right index finger.
As a result, the frequency that the most participants felt was around 50 Hz which corresponds to tactile RA1 afferent fibres. According to brain anatomy, the RA1 area is responsible for detecting light touch and vibration. Vibration receptors tell you whether, for example, you’re running your finger across silk or denim. Thus the sanshool is therefore not contributing to the taste, but a tactile factor generating vibrating sensations that active the taste buds.