business assignment代写:中澳商人
Keywords:business assignment代写

在澳大利亚的人谁喜欢做的事情非常直接。他们总是下定决心,不要开着圈子,从这个意义上讲,他们所说的话非常直接,这可能会伤害到中国商人的感情。 给面子(尊敬)是中国一个很重要的概念。你必须根据等级和资历给予适当的尊重。例如,如果你买礼物的初步接触,确保你买更好的礼物,而不是购买高级经理类似的礼物。它是重要的,谈话的过程中,在中国要注意言语文化。永远不要说“不”。相反,你可以回答“我会看看”或“我会看看我能做什么”,等等。 同样,会议室或餐桌上的坐姿也应按等级、重要性和年资而定。在开始与中国商务接触的第一次会面之前,寻求建议是很好的,以避免做出错误的举动。 但在澳大利亚,权力距离很低,每个工人都有自己的想法和看法。人人平等。不必担心先说谁,每个人都可以参与决策,他们从不害怕别人的决定。
business assignment代写:中澳商人
However, people in Australia who like to do things very directly. They always get down to business and don’t push around the bush .In this sense, the words they spoke is very directly, which may hurt the feeling of the Chinese business people.
Giving face (giving due respect) is a very important concept in China. You must give the appropriate respect according to rank and seniority. For example, if you are buying gifts for an initial contact, make sure you buy better gifts for the senior managers instead of buying similar gifts. It is important, during the course of the conversation, to be aware of the speech culture in China. Never say "no". Instead, you can respond with "I'll look into that" or "I'll see what I can do in this matter", etc.
Similarly, sitting positions in a meeting room or a dining table is accorded accordingly to rank, importance and seniority. It is good to seek advice before embarking on your first meeting with Chinese business contacts to avoid making the wrong move.
But in Australia, the power distance is very low .Every worker got their own ideas and own views. Everyone is in the equal position. It’s no need to worry to speak whom first .Everyone can join in the decision making and they are never afraid their decisions turned down by others.