
Evaluate the criticism levelled against the Washington Consensus. Have the policies of privatisation, deregulation and market liberalisation failed to promote economic growth?The criticism against the Washington Consensus is great and varied; predominantly, it is aimed at the way in which the Consensus is stuck in the idea that the policies followed by rich western capitalist states are inherently ‘good’, and should, as a model, be followed by all countries. By forcing developing nations, such as in South America, or Africa, to follow these rules in order to gain international aid, the argument is made that these economies are unnecessarily hindered, by constricting them into a pattern that suits the developed Western economies, and forces them to open their markets to foreign goods and services when they are least well equipped to handle and accept them. The effects that the consensus has on economies it is forced upon have been shown to be detrimental, such as the Argentinean economic crisis of the early 1990s , even if there were positive side effects that occurred at the same time. Broadly speaking, the Washington Consensus reinforces the current situation, and aids the rich nations who police the consensus, and provide aid to those who implement it far more than the poor nations which are most in need of help.