
在规划课程差异化时,我决定采用(Pollard, 2008)提出的“结果差异化”策略。这一策略包括根据学生在完成既定任务、参与课堂讨论和回答有针对性的问题时所表现出的理解/知识水平来区分学生。这与我之前的建议有关,即学生的进步仅限于在继续学习之前达到所需的水平。它不需要为特定的个人或学生群体创建单独的任务。这种区分方法对16至19岁的职业教育是一种补充,因为他们不热衷于被认为与同龄人不同。更有能力的学生将表现出对概念的良好理解,并能够为工作表、课堂讨论和指导问题提供详细的答案。他们的答案将展示清晰的例子和与真实场景的联系。能力较差的学生对概念的理解能力较差,他们可能无法将自己的答案用语言或书面表达到二级水平。他们的答案可能缺乏细节,学生可能无法将概念与现实场景进行比较。
When planning the differentiation for the lessons I decided to adopt the strategy of ‘Differentiation by Outcome’ suggested by (Pollard, 2008). This strategy involved students being differentiated based on the level of understanding/knowledge they demonstrated when completing set tasks, contributing to class discussions and answering directed questions. This links to my previous recommendations relating to student progress being limited to attainment of the required level prior to moving on. It did not require separate tasks to be created for particular individuals or groups of students. This method of differentiation compliments vocational education as 16 to 19 year olds are not enthusiastic about being identified as different to their peers.More able pupils would display a good understanding of the concepts and be able to provide detailed answers to the worksheets, class discussions and directed questions. Their answers will demonstrate clear examples and links to real-world scenarios.Less able pupils would show less understanding of the concepts and might not be able to word their answers, verbally or written, to a standard appropriate to level two. Their answers may lack detail and students may not be able to compare the concepts to real-world scenarios.