
既然我们已经很好地理解了什么是平衡的扫盲计划,我们现在将把重点放在制定一个有效的计划所涉及的要素上。Read Express And Discovery (R.E.A.D.)计划是一项全面的识字计划,将有助于我们学区的使用。我们将有识字教练,他们不仅会花时间和学生在一起,还会为我们的教学人员提供培训。阅读是一项技能,必须由一位经验丰富、知识渊博的教师以有组织、系统和有效的方式来教授。因此,一个平衡的扫盲计划应该包括学习活动和策略的各个方面。我们投入了时间和知识来发展我们的扫盲计划。为了成功,我们把所有这些变量都考虑进去了。音位的一些重要组成部分包括以下音位意识——音位是用一种特定语言产生的一组特定的声音,母语为该语言的人可以将其与该语言中的其他(组)声音区分开来(English language & Usage, 2018)。换句话说,就是研究我们理解这些声音的方式。音位意识是孩子成为流利读者的关键。单词研究:字母符号系统的研究。它还涉及编码,即阅读过程,解码,即拼写过程,我们的符号系统。这包括理解字母和声音之间的关系。
Now that we have a good understanding of what a balanced literacy program means, we will now focus on what elements are involved to produce an effective program. The Read Express And Discovery (R.E.A.D.) program is a well-rounded literacy program that would be beneficial to utilize in our school district. We will have literacy coaches on staff who will, not only spend time with the students but provide training to our teaching staff. Reading is a skill that must be taught in an organized, systematic and efficient way by an experienced and knowledgeable teacher .It takes a skilled instructor to teach literacy, yet it takes a well-rounded and literacy program as well. Therefore, a balanced literacy program should include every aspect of learning activities and strategies. We have invested time and knowledge in developing our literacy program. We have incorporated all of these variables in order to be successful. Some of the significant components consist of the following Phonemics Awareness – A Phoneme is a particular set of sounds produced in a particular language and distinguishable by native speakers of that language from other (sets of) sounds in that language (English Language & Usage, 2018). In other words, it is the study of the way we understand those sounds. Phonemic awareness is the key to a child becoming a fluent reader.
Word Study: Study of the alphabetic symbol system. It also involves the encoding, which is the reading process, and decoding which is the spelling process, of our symbol system. This involves understanding the relationship between letters and sound.