
I personally, am not so keen to use intrinsic rewards as after a while these intrinsic rewards lose their meaning, they must be given sparingly if to have the desired effect and as the person moves through life, they will meet situations where there will be no physical reward. "Social versus material: it may seen that material rewards, such as money or toys, would be more valued by children than social rewards such as approval and would therefore be more effective in modifying behaviour. However, social reinforcement is commonly used in classrooms, and there is a great deal of evidence to indicate that it is, in fact, more effective than offering material .The targets set within the IEP will be reviewed regularly which means progress he makes will also be carefully monitored. Finally, we wanted to set achievable targets for Greg within the IEP to allow him to be empowered. He may not be encouraged to be independent at home but we hope that we can eliminate some of the behaviours he has exhibited from the setting.