Computer Network代写:NS2
Keywords:Computer Network代写

NS2 is associate open-source simulation tool that runs on Linux, it's a discreet event machine targeted at networking analysis and provides substantial support for simulation of routing, multicast protocols and informatics protocols, like UDP, TCP, RTP and SRM over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks. Its several blessings that build it a great tool, like support for multiple protocols and therefore the capability of diagrammatically particularization network traffic. In addition, NS2 supports many algorithms in routing and queuing. Local routing and broadcasts are a part of routing algorithms. Queuing algorithms embody honest queuing, deficit round-robin and FIFO. NS is associate object oriented machine, written in C++, with associate OTcl interpreter as a frontend. The machine supports a category hierarchy in C++ (also referred to as the compiled hierarchy during this document), and an identical category hierarchy inside the OTcl interpreter (also referred to as the taken hierarchy during this document). The 2 hierarchy’s square measure closely associated with every other; from the user’s perspective, there's a matched correspondence between a category within the taken hierarchy and one within the compiled hierarchy, the basis of this hierarchy is that the category Tcl Object. Users produce new machine objects through the interpreter; these objects square measure instantiated inside the interpreter, and square measure closely reflected by a corresponding object within the compiled hierarchy. The taken category hierarchy is mechanically established through strategies outlined within the category TclClass. User instantiated objects square measure reflected through strategies outlined within the category TclObject. NS2 is extensively utilized by the networking analysis community. It provides substantial support for simulation of communications protocol, routing, multicast protocols over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks, etc. The machine is event-driven and runs in a very non-real-time fashion. It consists of C++ core strategies and uses Tcl and Object Tcl shell as interface permitting the computer file (simulation script) to explain the model to simulate. Users will outline arbitrary network topologies composed of nodes, routers, links and shared media. A chic set of protocol objects will then be hooked up to nodes, sometimes as agents. The machine suite conjointly includes a graphical beholder referred to as network animator (NAM) to help the users get additional insights regarding their simulation by visualizing packet trace information. NS is an occasion driven network machine developed at UC Berkeley that simulates style of informatics networks. It implements network protocols like communications protocol and UPD, traffic supply behavior like FTP, Telnet, Web, cosmic microwave background and VBR, router queue management mechanism like Drop Tail, RED and CBQ, routing algorithms like Dijkstra, and more. NS conjointly implements multicasting and a few of the mac layer protocols for computer network simulations.
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