
Some ways I feel that a teacher could leverage learning strategies is by cooperative learning groups which can help students to be able to help one another. Putting non disabled students who have a firm understanding of the lesson plan can help the students with LD and CD. This goes for all of the grade level lesson plans I chose. Also, setting objectives and providing feedback can help the students to set goals at the beginning of the lesson and to set a time frame to meet those goals. Daily goals can be set by the teacher and the student. “Setting objectives establishes directions for learning and student benefit when they personalize goals set by teachers”(Pennsylvania Department of Education [PDE], 2009). Allowing students to summarize and take notes can help them along in the lesson plan to write down important information needed for an assignment. Some social interaction for all the grade level lesson plans is having the students to introduce themselves at the beginning of the year or the beginning of a new semester or quarter. The students can write down information about themselves or they can be paired up with another students and let them introduce each other to the class. Class discussions can be done in the beginning of class about the lesson plan and also after the lesson. It is a great way to get the students to give their input on the assignment and to interact with one another. Have the students do group presentations. It can help to divide up the workload on big assignments such as the lesson plan for high school and can help students with LD and CD to have less of a burden and to also help to keep their stress level down. Some behavior supports that would work within these lesson plans are making sure the classroom environment is accommodated for students with special needs. An example is a students with ADHD. They should not be seated where there is high traffic or loud areas and away from anything that may distract them from learning. Having a set class schedule or routine can help students to know what is going to happen during that class period. It can help to reduce the anxiety and keep frustrations down. “A classroom schedule that is well-designed and is implemented consistently may be the single most important factor in preventing challenging behaviors” (Ruef, Higgins, Glaeser, & Patnode, n.d., p. 7). Allowing the students to be able to make choices in their lives and in class can help to reduce behavioral problems. With the students being able to have input in decision making, it will help to build their self confidence and to also have a say in what goes on in their daily lives and routines within reasonable limits. It helps with their productivity and independence. Lastly, reward positive behavior. If positive behavior is being rewarded, then chances are the student will do what it is they did again. Positive reinforcement does not need to be done all the time or for everything the student does because then the student will depend on that positive reinforcement all the time. A reward could be extra free time or stickers for the younger students. Also using encouraging words and showing appreciation can help the child to gain self confidence.