澳洲影评作业代写 兰格先生的罪行

让·雷诺阿的电影《兰格先生的罪行》是一部有力的社会政治批判,旨在娱乐观众。这部电影突出了社会中极端的剥削水平和工人的反应(Pramaggiore和Wallis, 2005)。Amadee Lange是这部电影的中心人物,她的特点是天真和经常做白日梦。然而,他是《亚利桑那·吉姆》系列小说的作者。在整部电影中,朗格作品的出版商明显利用了他的天真。另一方面,查尔斯·卓别林的电影《摩登时代》是对资本主义社会不利影响的社会评论(Nava and O’shea, 1996)。主角查理是一家剥削工人的工厂的工人。通过生存的决心,查理帮助展示了资本主义制度下劳动者的劣势。两部电影都描述了阶级制度之间的冲突。对两部电影的批判性分析表明,阶级问题是社会评论的中心,这篇论文将对此进行论证。《兰格先生的罪行》是一部用政治辩护为兰格先生的罪行提供辩护的电影。然而,这部电影描绘了一个阶级制度对社会的影响。兰格先生是一位作家,出版了一系列小说,但他还没有给他带来任何好处。该系列丛书的出版商代表了那些试图剥削工人阶级的富有资本家。作为一个出版商,巴塔拉可以利用资源来促进他的出版事业。不幸的是,他选择利用和欺骗那些使用他出版服务的作者。例如,巴塔拉利用兰格的作品为自己赚取非法收入。他还操纵兰格的作品来培养自己的兴趣。兰格最终意识到巴塔拉一直在剥削他,并与这家出版公司的员工组成了一个工人合作社。这些事件展示了工人阶级和资本家之间明显的阶级斗争(Nevin, 2016)。卡尔·马克思广泛地讨论了阶级制度的负面影响,它关注的是工人被他们的雇主剥削,这些雇主主要是资本家(Davis, 2012)。在这部电影中,巴塔拉是一个自私的资本家,他只会剥削工人和作家。巴塔拉利用不同的策略来剥削他的债权人,同时自己保留收益。兰格代表了不断寻求克服剥削的工人阶级群体。兰格努力与这家出版公司的员工建立合作关系,代表了工人们发起一场反对巴塔拉的革命。
澳洲影评作业代写 兰格先生的罪行
Jean Renoir’s movie, The Crime of Mr Lange is a powerful socio-political critique that serves to entertain the audience. The film highlighted the extreme levels of exploitation in society and the reaction of workers (Pramaggiore and Wallis, 2005). Amadee Lange serves as the central character in the film and characterised as being naïve and a regular daydreamer. However, he is the author of a series of stories titled “Arizona Jim”. Throughout the film, it is explicit that the publisher of Lange’s work exploits him and takes advantage of his naivety. On the other hand, Charles Chaplin’s movie titled Modern Times is a social commentary that demonstrates the adverse effect of a capitalist society (Nava and O’Shea, 1996). The main character, Charlie, is a labourer in a factory that exploits workers. Through his determination to survive, Charlie helps in demonstrating the disadvantages of labourers in a capitalist system. Both movies depict the manner in which the class system exhibits a conflict. A critical analysis of the two movies reveals that class issues are at the centre of the social commentaries, as this paper will demonstrate.The Crime of Mr Lange is a movie that provides the justification of Mr Lange’s crime using political justifications. However, the movie depicts the effect of a class system on society. Mr Lange is an author with a series of stories published, but he is yet to bring him any benefits. The publisher of the series represents the rich capitalists who seek to exploit the working class. As a publisher, Batala has access to resources that he uses to promote his publishing business. It is unfortunate that he opts to exploit and swindle the authors who use his publishing services. For example, Batala uses the work of Lange to earn himself an illegal income. He also manipulates Lange’s work to foster his interests. Lange eventually recognises that Batala has been exploiting him and formed a workers’ cooperative with the employees of the publishing company. These events demonstrate an evident class struggle between the working class and the capitalists (Nevin, 2016). Karl Marx extensively discussed the adverse effects of the class system paying attention to the exploitation of the workers by their employers, who are majorly capitalists (Davis, 2012). In this movie, Batala serves as the selfish capitalist who only embarks on exploiting the workers and authors. Batala used different strategies to exploit his creditors while keeping the returns for himself. Lange represents the working class group that continuously seeks to overcome exploitation. Lange’s efforts to form a cooperative with the employees of the publishing company represents a move by the workers to stage a revolution against Batala.