澳洲留学生作业代写 第二语言
Keywords:澳洲留学生作业代写 第二语言

然而,美国人接受说另一种语言的情况不是很乐观,尤其是与欧洲人相比。根据2010年美国人口普查的数据,只有10%的土生土长的美国公民说他们觉得用另一种语言交谈很舒服。这与欧洲形成了鲜明的对比。超过一半的欧洲人(53%)认为讲外语(莫朗语)很有能力。欧洲和美国的教育体系也存在着差异。例如,2008年发表在《Zuricher Zeitung》上的一篇文章就瑞士幼儿园的学生在这么早就学习一门外语的利弊进行了辩论。瑞士有四种官方语言和数不清的方言。世界另一边的国家正在讨论从幼儿园开始就开设外语课程,而新泽西州里奇伍德的高中则不得不安装像“罗塞塔石碑”这样的课程来应对预算削减,希望能让他们的外语课程继续存在下去。这两个例子表明,全球不同地区对这个问题的处理方式是多么不同。目前,在美国,外语课程并没有被视为核心课程,尽管有研究表明外语学习对认知和发展有好处,但这些课程在学校并没有得到应有的重视。有些人说,由于美国幅员辽阔,一个人可以旅行数千英里,仍然被英语包围着。虽然这是事实,但这并不能消除这个国家对外语的需求。事实上,它几乎在召唤它。美国已经具备了被视为全球领导者的优势;然而,在未来,情况可能并非如此。其他国家,如中国,正在成为经济、商业、政治和科学等领域的主导力量。因此,重要的是,我们不能简单地给我们的多语种国外竞争的强大优势。这一问题牵涉到太多的利害关系,比如国家安全和全球竞争力,不能让它搁在一边。除了商业领域,语言能力的缺乏也影响了我们参与外交和军事局势的能力,使我们处于危险之中。例如,在第二次世界大战期间,军队需要懂得德语或日语等语言的美国人。令人震惊的是,很少有美国人能胜任这些科目。随着中日战争的迫近,学习外语的紧迫性变得越来越明显。1940年12月,20万海军士兵中只有12人被认为能讲日语,远远低于理想水平。此外,1957年,人造卫星的发射令大多数美国人感到意外。可以说,如果当时有更多的美国人精通俄语,那么这个消息可能早在5个月前就被发现了(Huebener)。外语学习与我们的国家安全息息相关,联邦调查局甚至有专门的部门致力于此。自2001年9月11日以来,联邦调查局语言服务部门已经认识到外语能力的必要性,特别是在广泛使用但不太被人学习的语言方面,如阿拉伯语和汉语(FBI .gov)。说和理解外语的能力对我们的国家安全至关重要。为了保持我们作为经济、政治、文化和军事强国的地位,我们作为一个社会必须要求更多的外语教育。除了影响我们的国家安全,语言能力被证明可以增加就业机会,并在就业市场上提供竞争优势(内布拉斯加州教育部16)。越来越多的公司在寻找能在不断发展的全球经济中有所作为的求职者。许多职业道路需要掌握外语知识。例如,警察,特别是那些在边境巡逻的警察,可以从由于提高外语学习而减少的沟通错误中获益。
澳洲留学生作业代写 第二语言
However, the situation for Americans of accepting to speak another language is not very positive, especially comparing to the Europeans. According to the data from 2010 U.S. Census, only 10 percent of native-born American citizens say they feel comfortable conversing in another language. This is a stark contrast to Europeans. More than half of the European population, 53 percent, feels competent speaking a foreign tongue (Morones). Contrasts can also be seen between school systems in Europe and the United States. For instance, a 2008 article published in the Züricher Zeitung debates the pros and cons of kindergarten students in Switzerland, a country with four official languages and innumerable dialects, learning a foreign language so early on (Baigger). Countries on the other side of the world are having discussions about foreign languages being taught as early as kindergarten, while high schools in Ridgewood, New Jersey are having to install programs like Rosetta Stone to combat budget cuts in hopes of keeping their foreign language programs alive (Hu). These two examples show how differently the issue is being handled on different sides of the globe. Currently, foreign language classes are not seen as core classes in the United States, and despite research suggesting cognitive and developmental benefits of foreign language study, these classes are not getting the emphasis in school that they deserve.. Some say that because of the immense size of the United States, one can travel for thousands of miles and still be surrounded by English. While this is true, this does not eliminate the need for foreign languages in this country. In fact, it almost beckons it. America already has the advantage of being seen as a global leader; however, this may not be the case in the future. Other countries, such as China, are becoming increasingly dominant forces in sectors such as economics, business, politics, and science. For this reason it is important that we do not simply give to our multilingual foreign competition the strong advantage. There is too much at stake, such as national security and global competitiveness to let this issue slip by the wayside. Apart from the business world, the lack of language abilities jeopardizes our ability to participate in diplomatic and military situations, and leaves us at risk. For instance, during World War II, the Army was in need of Americans with knowledge in languages such as German or Japanese. It was shocking how few Americans had competency in these subjects. With the possibility of a war with Japan looming, the urgency for foreign language study became increasingly apparent. In December 1940, only 12 out of 200,000 Navy sailors were considered competent in Japanese, far fewer than ideal. Additionally, in 1957, the launching of Sputnik was a surprise to most Americans. Arguably, if more Americans were competent in Russian at the time, the news could have been discovered up to five months prior (Huebener). Foreign language study in relation to our national security is so important that there is even a sector of the FBI dedicated to it. Since September 11, 2001, the FBI’s Language Service Section has recognized the need for foreign language capabilities, especially in widely spoken but less commonly studied languages like Arabic and Chinese (fbi.gov). The ability to speak and understand foreign languages is vital to our national security. In order to preserve our stance as an economic, political, cultural, and military powerhouse we must as a society demand more foreign language education.Along with affecting our national security, language capabilities are shown to increase job opportunities and provide a competitive advantage in the job market (Nebraska Department of Education 16). More and more companies are looking for job candidates who can be of aid in the expanding global economy. Many career paths call for knowledge in another language. For instance, police officers, especially those working border patrol, can benefit from a decrease in miscommunication due to increased foreign language study.
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