Economics Assignment代写:阿根廷的经济
Keywords:Economics Assignment代写

Economics Assignment代写:阿根廷的经济
Essentially the economy of Argentina is based on natural resources and the agriculture sector along with diversified industrial base that has enabled the country to accomplish high standards of living for the masses living in the country (Index Mundi, 2012). However, through the 20th century the country has been suffered from recurring economic recessions that have affected the economic lives of the people living in the country (BBC, 2012). The inflation rate in the country is very high along with foreign external debts that have resulted in default for the country in 2001. During that time around 60% of the population of the country were living below the line of poverty, however as the government of the country was changed, the country starts experiencing positive growth, which is evident from Figure 1 that shows the GDP growth for the period 1999-2010 (Index Mundi, 2012)