
一项调查显示,他们的实力是在CRM(客户关系管理)相关活动,包括前台和后台自动化和集成,客户细分,和服务。在美国金融界的一个研究报道,这些银行开发了以客户为中心的策略获得更高的利润。贝茨,D. W.,和A. A. Gawande指出,信息技术的力量来提高质量、金融服务等领域的效率和质量,提高效率的保证。贝茨,D. W.,和A. A. Gawande在银行服务说明信息技术已经帮助银行收集、存储、检索和电子方式传输信息。有很多技术进步可以用信息技术来完成,那就是在计算机上写账单、付款和预付款。金融机构一直依赖于处理,分析和提供信息,并已完成,以满足客户的银行是最早采用自动信息处理技术。技术的发展始于簿记。电子支付有了进步,银行中已经出现了加密技术。互联网已经改变了银行的技术发展。
A survey has shown that their strength is in CRM (customer relationship management) related activities, including front-office and back-office automation and integration, customer segmentation, and service. A study in the U.S. banking industry also reported that those banks which develop a customer-centric strategy get higher profits.Bates, D. W., and A. A. Gawande has stated that information technology has the power to improve the quality, efficiency of banking service and other areas and the promise of quality and efficiency gains. Bates, D. W., and A. A. Gawande has stated information technology in banking service has helped the banks to collect, store, retrieve and transfer information in an electronic manner. There are the lot of technological advancement that can be done using information technology and that is writing bills and payments and advances on the computer. Financial institutions have been relying on processing, analyzing, and Providing information and that has been done to meet customers.The banks were among the earliest adopters of automated information processing technology. The technology development has started with bookkeeping. There has been the advancement of electronic payment and there has been encryption technology that has been developed in banks. The internet has been changing the technology development in banks.