
Structure of higher education in India:- Over the last 50 years, the government of India has provided full policy support and funds to create one of the world's greatest and largest system of higher education. The higher education starts after 12th class. Where the students choose their vocational lines for better future. But these institutions with the exceptions of some notable ones, they have not been able to maintain the high standards of education or keep pace with developments in the fields especially in knowledge and technology. Over time financial constraints with exploding enrollments and very high demand from primary to secondary education led to the deterioration in the financial support provided by the government. However on the science and technology side, India has built up the largest stock of scientists, engineers and technicians.The growth of higher education in India has been phenomenal. Starting with 1950-51 there were only 263000 students in 750 colleges affiliated to 30 universities. But the growth of students increased how the time passing out.In India both public and private institutions operate simultaneously. There were 804 million students enrolled in 2001. it is also likely that most of the growth in the rapidly expending higher education sector took place in the private unaided college or in self-financial institutions. Since grant-in-aid to private colleges is becoming difficult. Many government universities have granted recognition/affiliation to unaided colleges and many universities have authorized new self-financing courses even in government and aided colleges. It is felt that now more than 50% higher education in India is imparted through private institutions. For examples:- Lovely professional university, Phagwara, CT colleges etc.