
Constructivism is a theory about how people learn. In constructivism, individuals construct their own understanding and knowledge, thorough experiencing on their own and having reflections on those experiences. When we come across a new knowledge, we will assimilate it with our previous knowledge or ideas or experience and accommodate it with the old or prior knowledge to reach an equilibrium status where the new knowledge and old knowledge creates another new experience for the individual.Thus, in constructivism, we create our own knowledge by asking questions, exploring and assessing what we know.Constructivism gives importance to experience because it is the basis for gaining new knowledge. Learners learn new knowledge by believing that it is true and real. If the new knowledge does not collaborate with the existing knowledge or experience and the beliefs of learners, than there is a possibility that learners might refuse or turn it down, or we might even explore it further so that they we understand it better, or there is a possibility that we change it to accommodate to our views (R.J. Stahl, 1990).Experience is the platform for getting new knowledge in constructivism approach.