
在科学界,缺乏困难而产生的知识是有价值的。物理学家理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman)是这一主张的最大支持者,他热衷于推广一种简单的物理学方法。费曼广泛使用的图形表示,即费曼图,以简单的数学方式将量子电动力学的抽象公式可视化。费曼首先将图表介绍为一种“简化冗长计算的簿记装置”(Kaiser 4),费曼用木棍线将牛顿解决这个问题的基本方法带了回来,没有基于新技术进步的复杂知识。费曼图的数学本质是用简单的逻辑接近量子物理学的复杂性。公理系统可以用最简单的术语来表达,但仍然有效、复杂,并且具有高水平的推理能力。费曼图的成功之处在于它的简单性:它们对于我们理解自然界的复杂性是至关重要的,而不是很难制作出来的。然而,费曼罕见的天赋是否使他成为一个例外呢?可以说,直觉和在复杂问题中看到简单模式的自然能力促使他建立了这个模型。不管怎样,自然科学是基于数学的。成功的数学知识代表了一种最简单形式的模式。科学模型旨在以一种可以理解的方式准确地代表自然世界。因此,基于数学和简单知识的费曼图是一个有价值的模型。因此,以简单为基础产生的知识在科学中也很有价值。
Knowledge produced with a lack of difficulty is valued in the scientific community. There is no greater supporter of this claim than physicist Richard Feynman, a keen populariser of a simple approach to physics. Feynman’s widely used pictorial representation, known as Feynman diagrams, visualise the abstract formula of quantum electrodynamics in a simple, mathematical manner. Feynman first introduced the diagrams as a “bookkeeping device for simplifying lengthy calculations” (Kaiser 4). Using stick-figure lines, Feynman brought back Newton’s fundamental approach to the problem, without the complicated knowledge based on new technological advances. The mathematical nature of Feynman’s diagrams approaches the complexity of quantum physics with simple logic. An axiomatic system can be expressed in the simplest of terms, yet remains valid, sophisticated, and with a high level of reasoning. The success of Feynman diagrams lie in their simplicity: they are fundamental to our understanding of the complexity of the natural world, whilst not being produced with great difficulty. However, is it possible that Feynman’s rare genius renders him an exception? Arguably, intuition and a natural ability to see simple patterns in complex problems led him to produce this model. Regardless, the natural sciences are based on mathematics. Successful mathematical knowledge represents a pattern in its simplest form. Scientific models aim to accurately represent the natural world in an understandable manner. Therefore, Feynman diagrams, which are based on mathematical, simplistic knowledge are a valued model. Hence, knowledge produced with simplicity is valued in the sciences as well.