澳洲建筑学assignment代写 多层建筑
Keywords:澳洲建筑学assignment代写 多层建筑

大型面板系统通常用于多层建筑,大型墙板和地板在水平和垂直方向上连接,形成一个盒状结构。通常墙板是一层楼高,任何随后的楼层都需要另一个墙板连接到下面的墙板。大多数元素通常是线性的,规模经济要求有规律的形状的建筑。水平楼板可以是单向或双向楼板,并将横向荷载传递到墙体上。面板之间的连接对于保证结构的完整性和稳定性至关重要。水平节点和垂直节点均承受载荷。垂直节点抵抗剪切地震力,而水平梁抵抗重力和地震荷载。接缝可以是“湿的”,也可以是“干的”。湿缝采用现场填充混凝土,干缝采用钢板焊接。所使用的接头类型将取决于可行性、实用性和适用性。由于预制混凝土在制造过程中要解决质量控制、养护和裂缝消除等问题,因此预制混凝土具有优良的传声损耗性能,其性能优于现浇混凝土。使用预制面板系统的一个主要限制是运输。首先,根据工厂的位置,电池板可能需要长距离运输,这是昂贵的和不可持续的。工厂最好是在苏格兰本地,比如Lochton Precast,它是苏格兰东北部混凝土预制产品的主要生产商和供应商。工程师必须考虑面板在运输和安装过程中损坏的可能性。Mackleys将电池板安装在其边缘,以减少开裂或弯曲的风险(Mackleys, 2015)。英国的道路限制也必须考虑。英国税务及海关总署2016年表示,“最大车辆重量是44吨,有六个轴。”单个卡车的最大长度为12米,铰接式卡车和挂车的最长长度为16.5米,公路列车最长可达18.75米。所有车辆的最大宽度为2.55米。这些限制将限制电池板的大小,可以运输。还必须注意的是,从工地倒车到主干道上一般是不允许的(倒车到工地上不成问题)。因此,使用的车辆必须有足够的空间在现场转弯。必须有一个设有明确禁区的指定贮存地点。面板必须按照设计者的规格储存,因为不正确的储存可能会导致不明显的损坏,如长期蠕变。
澳洲建筑学assignment代写 多层建筑
Large panel systems are typically used for multi-storey buildings where large wall panels and floor panels are connected horizontally and vertically to form a box like structure. Usually wall panels are one floor high and any subsequent floors would require another panel which will connect to the panel underneath Most elements are usually linear, and economies of scale require regularly shaped buildings.Horizontal floor elements can be either be one-way or two-way slabs and transfer lateral loads to the walls. Connections between panels are of utmost importance to ensure the structural integrity and stability of the structure. Both horizontal and vertical joints are load bearing. Vertical joints resist shear seismic forces whilst horizontal joists resist gravity and seismic loads. Joints can either be ‘wet’ or ‘dry’. Wet joints are filled with concrete in-situ whilst dry joints involve welding steel plate together. The type of joint to be used will depend on feasibility, practicably and serviceability.Precast concrete has excellent sound transmission loss properties and performs better than concrete cast in-situ since quality control, curing and crack elimination issues are addressed during manufacturing .There are a number of factors which impact the dimensional planning of structures which use precast panels.One of the major limitations of using precast panel systems is transportation. Firstly, depending on where the factory is located the panels may need to be transported large distance which is costly and not sustainable. Preferably, the factory will be local and situated in Scotland such as Lochton Precast which is the leading producer and supplier of Precast Concrete Products in the North East of Scotland.Engineers must consider the possibility of panels becoming damaged during transport and erection. Mackleys transport panels on their edge to reduce the risk of cracking or flexing (Mackleys, 2015). The road limitations for vehicles in the UK must also be considered. HM Revenue & Customs 2016 state that ‘The maximum vehicle weight is 44 tonnes and has up to six axles. The maximum individual truck length is 12 metres, articulated truck and trailer length is 16.5 metres and road trains are allowed up to 18.75 metres. The maximum width for all is 2.55 metres’. These restrictions will limit the size of the panels that can be transported. It must also be noted that reversing out of the site onto a main road is generally not permissible (reversing into the site is not a problem). Therefore, the vehicle used must have ample space to turn on site. A designated storage site with clear exclusion zones is a must. Panels must be stored as per the designers’ specification since incorrect storage may result in damage that may not be immediately obvious such as long term creep.
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