
我对法院的建议是,他们应遵循多系统治疗(MST)的9项指导原则。我对这种治疗方法的分析使我相信,所概述的原则与经验证据和社会生态理论是一致的,这是治疗青少年行为和情感问题所必需的,这些问题将在本法庭进行审理。这些步骤旨在激发所有有关方面的科学思考,并应有助于设计一个关于需要帮助的青少年的原因和解决办法的工作理论,而不是监禁。可以在门诊治疗的基础上持续测试和升级的解决方案。根据研究(Henggeler, Schoenwald, Rowland & Cunningham, 2002), MST过程将为每个转诊的不同情况带来假设检验的科学方法。一个更简单的解释为法院会解释说,这种方法使临床医生形成特定的想法关于维持问题行为的因素,结合证据支持他们的假设,测试它与干预措施,收集数据来评估干预措施的影响,使用数据开始另一个评估过程。
My recommendation to this court is that they follow the 9 guiding principles of the Multisystemic Therapy (MST). My analyzation of this therapy leads me to believe that the principles outlined are consistent with empirical evidence and the social ecological theory that is necessary for the treatment of behavioral and emotional problems of the juveniles that will come before this court. The steps are designed to stimulate scientific thinking in all of the concerned parties and should help in designing a working theory about the causes and solutions for the juvenile in need of help instead of incarceration. Solutions that can be that can be continuously tested and upgraded while administered in an outpatient basis of treatment. According to research (Henggeler, Schoenwald, Rowland & Cunningham, 2002), the MST process will bring the scientific method of hypothesis testing to the differing circumstances of each referral. A simpler explanation for the court would be to explain that this method enables clinicians to form specific ideas concerning the combination of factors that sustain a problem behavior, with evidence that supports their hypothesis, test it with interventions, collect the data to assess the interventions impact, and to use the data to begin another assessment process.