
增加网络游戏活动有各种各样的优点和缺点。针对这些障碍,一些公司建立了机制,旨在控制网络游戏活动的健康问题。例如,中国巨头腾讯将年轻玩家在中国流行游戏网站《年轻玩家的健康》(France-Presse, 2017)上玩游戏的时间限制在一小时以内。以往对网络游戏玩家的研究主要有全球网络游戏产业概况、中国网络游戏市场和网络游戏产业概况、玩家动机、虚拟物品概念等几个主要研究方向。腾讯和其他许多公司正在监管游戏活动,但没有对许多不同类别的年轻人进行足够的研究。例如,到目前为止,还没有具体的研究显示中国学生在国外大学学习期间玩网络游戏的情况。因此,本研究以AIT大学中国留学生为例,重点研究中国留学生的网络游戏行为。以在国外大学学习的中国学生为研究对象的研究将有别于在中国市场进行的普通研究,因为大多数在国外大学学习的中国留学生往往表现出与普通中国人不同的特点。例如,这些学生大多数都在西方大学,他们有更多的机会接触到许多不同的在线游戏程序和活动,由于他们所处的环境,他们往往有很多自由时间参与游戏活动,这些学生通常来自富裕的家庭,他们能够负担得起学生在国外的学习,而学生自己也能够负担得起付费的网络游戏,因为他们的收入支持他们得到支持他们在国外学习。
Increased online gaming activities have various advantages and disadvantages. Regarding the obstacles some companies have set up mechanisms aimed at controlling the online gaming activities over health concerns. For instance, the Chinese giant, Tencent restricted young players to one hour play on one of the Chinese popular games sites the health of the young players (France-Presse, 2017). For previous research on gamer playing online gaming, there are several main research directions such as the profile of global online gaming industry, the profile of Chinese online gaming market and online gaming industry, the motivation of gamers, and virtual items conception, etc. Tencent among many other companies is regulating the gaming activities without conducting adequate research that covers many different categories of young population. For instance, so far, there is no specific research to show the situation of Chinese students playing online gaming when they study in abroad university. This study, therefore, focuses on studying the online gaming behavior among Chinese International students using the case of Chinese International Students in AIT University.The study focusing on the Chinese students studying in foreign universities would be different from the ordinary studies conducted in the Chinese market in the sense that, most Chinese International students in foreign universities tend to exhibit unique characteristics from the ordinary Chinese population. For instance, these students most of whom are in western universities have more access and exposure to many different online gaming programs and activities, due to the environments that they reside they tend to have so much free time to participate in gaming activities, these students are often from wealthy families that can afford to support the study of the students in the foreign countries and the students themselves are able to afford paid online games due to the support they have from incomes they get informed of support for their studies abroad.