
Governments control flat currencies. This allows them to use central banks to either create/issue or destroy money depending on what better for the economy using the monetary policy. Flat currencies only have value because the central government say it does this means that Flat currencies are fully backed by the credit of the government The government also indicates how flat currencies can be transferred from place to place allowing them to track the currency this allows them to figure out who profits from that movement, collect taxes on it, and trace criminal activity. All of this government control is gone when non-government bodies create their own currencies (Why Governments Are Afraid of Bitcoin 2018”) such as cryptocurrency. Without these such rule and regulation within cryptocurrency, it makes it harder to track causing an increase in crime due to illegal activities such as human/drug trafficking. Cryptocurrency is supposed to be taxed like any other investment for example 50% of the gains are taxable and added to your income for that year. This will be added to your income and taxed at your provincial marginal tax rate. But since the government has no way of tracking many of these income go .