澳洲墨尔本论文代写 所有权力
Keywords:澳洲墨尔本论文代写 所有权力

澳洲墨尔本论文代写 所有权力
The continuum moves from the leader holding all the power and authority moving along slowly relinquishing that power until the team are eventually encouraged to contribute and lead on decision making. As practice manager I am continually moving along the continuum with the team and depending on the situation will start out at varying levels and at times will move along the continuum either taking more control or relinquishing more control. For example when a change in childhood immunisations came in last year I cascaded the change to the clinical team and passed all responsibility to the team to ensure the change was implemented, I had no involvement at this stage in the process so would say I sat at stage six to seven of the continuum. After a couple of weeks it was identified that there had been a vaccination error and a child had received an incorrect vaccine. At this stage I moved back along the continuum to around stage four to five whereby I sat the team down and we looked at why this mistake had happened and discussed ways we could improve the process ensuring no further mistakes could be made and I then ensured these changes were implemented.Emotional intelligence was originally developed as a psychological theory in the 1990’s by Mayer & Salovey (1990), both Professors in Psychology. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and recognise your own emotions and emotions in others. The work of Mayer and Salovey (1990) was further developed by Goleman (2011) some years later. Goleman6 developed a framework of five elements that describe emotional intelligence – self-awareness – the ability to recognise and understand emotions; self-regulation – the ability to control your emotions; motivation –working consistently towards your goal; empathy –recognising the needs and feelings of others and social skills – good communication skills, approachable and respect for others.