
The revised documentation reflects this and the importance of children being exposed to a broad and rich language curriculum. The EYFS places greater emphasis on child and adult-led initiating activities that encourages speaking and listening opportunities. The framework also has a phonics element within the Communication, Literacy and Language strand to stimulate phonic awareness before the age of five.From my experience within Foundation, the use of rhymes, stories and other play-based activities are encouraged so that children can build their stock and understanding of words. Questions are also used to scaffold their learning and comprehension development (Q14, Q25c). This also supports Rose's recommendation that pre-reading activities and promoting a language rich curriculum are important to secure a good start in phonic work and develop the four language strands too. This is more important for those who do not come from a background that are not supportive or fosters positive attitudes to literacy. In my base-school, there are numerous children who come from such backgrounds. The school is encouraging stronger parental links as they recognise the influence they can have on their literacy development; which is an aspect I will need to incorporate in my practice. One programme they are running is an adult literacy programme so they can be supportive of their children's literacy developments too.