
这篇文章将探讨在临床实习期间,护理人员对其中一位服务使用者的护理效果。这篇文章将展示作者如何通过使用适当的沟通和人际技巧来发展治疗关系来达到这个目的。此外,本文将研究在知情同意的框架内,服务用户的护理计划的制定和文档化,涉及服务用户的家庭和护理人员。这篇文章还将评估和记录护理和其他干预措施的结果。这篇文章最后将讨论利用和创造的机会来促进健康和幸福的病人。根据护理和助产士委员会(NMC, 2010)的行为准则,作者寻求并获得了委托人的自愿和知情同意,作者将以化名Alice azon作为保密的目的。此外,所有的名字和地点都将以同样的目的使用假名。作者用爱丽丝的名字“爱丽丝”来称呼爱丽丝,这是她的偏好。爱丽丝是一名47岁的妇女,她在丈夫死后服用了过量的扑热息痛,试图自杀。当她的邻居和一个好朋友Dona在半意识状态下被发现时,她被紧急送往当地医院就医。爱丽丝瘫倒在厨房的地板上,旁边放着一袋药片,旁边放着一张写着自杀遗书的纸条,上面写着她唯一的儿子约翰,住在附近的一个城市里。
This essay will explore the effectiveness of the care delivered to one of the author’s service users whilst on clinical placement. This essay will demonstrate how the author developed therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills in order to achieve this. Furthermore this essay will look at the formulation and documentation of the service user’s care plan involving the service user’s family and carers within a framework of informed consent. This essay will also evaluate and document the outcomes of nursing and other interventions. This essay will finally discuss the opportunities utilised and created to promote the health and well-being patients.In line with the codes of conduct for the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2010), the author has sought and received voluntary and informed consent from the client whom the author will, for the purpose of confidentiality, be referred to under the pseudonym Alice Azonto. Further to this, all names and locations will be referred to under pseudonyms for the same purpose. The author will refer to Alice Azonto by her first name ‘Alice’ as is her preference.Alice is a 47 year old woman who attempted to commit suicide having taken an overdose of paracetamol following the death of her husband. She was rushed to a local hospital for medical attention when found by her neighbour and a good friend Dona in a semi-conscious state. Alice collapsed in her kitchen floor with empty sachets of tablets beside her and a suicide note addressed to her only son John who lives in a nearby city.