
幽门螺杆菌感染在世界各地都有发生,但其流行程度在不同国家和同一国家内不同人群之间差别很大。幽门螺杆菌感染的总体流行程度与社会经济条件密切相关。在许多发展中国家,中年人的患病率超过80%,而在工业化国家,这一比例为20%至50%。发展中国家的感染率高于发达国家。在发达国家,虽然儿童感染的总体流行率低于10%,但在社会经济条件恶劣的儿童中,高达50%的儿童受到感染。在发展中国家,多达80%的10岁以下儿童受到感染。印度0-4岁、5-9岁和10-19岁年龄组的感染率分别为22%、56%和87%。重要的问题是,在整个发达国家,这种感染在儿童中很罕见,而在发展中国家,这种感染在儿童中很常见。可以看出,H的差异无统计学意义。男性和女性儿童之间的幽门螺杆菌感染。发展中国家的研究表明,直到上个世纪,几乎所有的人类都携带H。幽门螺杆菌或胃里的相关细菌,但随着社会经济的发展,感染幽门螺杆菌的儿童越来越少。H。发达国家幽门螺杆菌感染率为0.3%-0.7%,发展中国家为6% - 14%。
Infection with H. pylori occurs worldwide, but the prevalence varies greatly among countries and among population groups within the same country. The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection is strongly correlated with socioeconomic conditions. The prevalence among middle-aged adults is over 80 percent in many developing countries, as compared with 20 to 50 percent in industrialized countries.Prevalence of infection is higher in developing countries than that of developed nations. In developed countries,although overall prevalance of infection in young children is <10%, up to 50 % of children living in poor socio economic conditions are infected. Upto 80 % of children under age of 10 years are infected in developing countries. Prevalance of infection in India is 22%,56% and 87% 0-4,5-9 and 10-19 years age group respectively. Important issue is that ,throughout the developed countries ,the infection is rare among children where as in developing nations it is common in children. It has been seen that there is no statistical difference of H.pylori infection between male and female children. Studies in developing countries suggest that,untill the last century ,nearly all humans carried H.pylori or closely related bacteria in their stomachs,but with socio economic development fewer children are acquiring H.pylori.Annual incidence of H.pylori infection is 0.3%-0.7% in developed countries and 6-14 % in developing nations.