
西班牙导演Luis Garcia Berlanga的1963部电影El Verdugo,翻译为“刽子手”,是一个黑色喜剧,不探讨命运和死亡的主题。压抑和敌对的右翼军事独裁政权,统治西班牙从20世纪30年代中期,直到1975年Franco将军的死亡,提供了背景的电影。“在Franco政权挪用作为它的逆行值车流行的电影,导演如Berlanga利用同样的汽车,而不同的目的。”(约旦,巴里和Rikki摩根tomosunas,64)。Berlanga,与其他开创性的电影人如让·马克·费雷里和Fernan Gomez,现在被认为是导演的颠覆性批判佛朗哥西班牙海关,规则和制度,明确描绘的过渡发生在西班牙社会在政权的最后几年,作为审查和宣传政策的限制,制定了从20世纪40年代,开始宽松的把握。
El Verdugo讲述两人的生活交织在一起的,一个更好的未来的希望和梦想的故事。阿马德奥(Jose Isbert)是作为一个上了年纪的老人,即将退休,他担心他心爱的女儿卡门的未来(Emma Penella),他还没有成功地找到一个合作伙伴,因为他们都是她父亲的贸易排斥。他是一个刽子手。它不仅是与这部电影的主角的到来,承办人Jose Luis(Nino Manfredi),他一直无法找到一个妻子由于他的病态的行业一个年轻英俊的男子;阿马德奥的希望似乎都会实现。卡门和Jose Luis有着相似的困境,显然是注定要在一起的,可笑的。“我们有相同的疾病”他开玩笑。
Spanish filmmaker Luis Garcia Berlanga’s 1963 film El verdugo, translating as ‘The Executioner’, is a black comedy which irreverently explores the themes of destiny and death. The repressive and hostile right-wing military dictatorship, which governed Spain from the mid-1930s until General Franco’s death in 1975, provides the backdrop to the film. “Where the Franco regime appropriated popular film as a vehicle for its retrograde values, directors such as Berlanga exploited same vehicle for rather different ends.” (Jordan, Barry & Rikki Morgan-Tomosunas, 64). Berlanga, alongside other groundbreaking filmmakers such as Ferreri and Fernan Gomez, is now recognised as filmmaker whose subversive critique of customs, rules and the institution of Franco Spain, clearly portray the transition taking place in Spanish society in the last years of the regime, as the restrictions that censorship and propagandist policy, instituted from the 1940s, began to loose their hold.
El verdugo tells the story of two men whose lives are intertwined by hopes and dreams of a better future. Amadeo (Jose Isbert) is presented as an aging man, nearing retirement, who fears the future of his beloved daughter Carmen (Emma Penella), who has not yet succeeded in finding a partner as they have all been repelled by her father’s trade. He is an executioner. It is only with the arrival of the film’s protagonist, undertaker Jose Luis (Nino Manfredi), a young and handsome man who has been unable to succeed in finding a wife due to his morbid profession; that Amadeo’s hopes are seemingly to be realized. Carmen and Jose Luis share a similar predicament, and are clearly and comically destined to be together. “We have the same disease” he jokes.