
Mood and setting include physical elements of the classroom and an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is the teacher's responsibility to set and keep this atmosphere. To create a sense of mutual respect, the teacher must show the children that she supports their learning endeavours, trusts them to do what they know is appropriate, and cares for their well-being.Children will learn from the teacher's example and will, in turn, show respect for the teacher and for classmates. Another aspect of respect is for the teacher to actively listen to children as they talk to her. One way a teacher can demonstrate this respect is to physically place herself at the level of the child with whom she is talking.This helps children understand that the teacher values them and is interested in what they say and think. Similarly, it is important to take time to explain things in ways that children can understand, such as using appropriate vocabulary for the age of the child and giving easily understood directions.Playing soft background music sets a pleasing mood and is soothing to children (James, 2000). According to Gipe (2002), "Played as soft background music, the sonatas, etudes, concertos, and symphonies add an ambience of peacefulness, unity, and creativity" to the classroom.