
Schopenhauer proposed his pessimistic view on an individual’s condition in this world by stating that life is filled with suffering, and that this suffering that we experience is directly caused by our will. We know Life tends to want, and because its wants are regularly unfulfilled, it largely exists unfulfilled and in a state of deprivation. By the wanting or expecting something, an individual is setting himself up to suffer until that objective is met. Then, upon fulfillment of the desire, a new aim is set forth, and thus the cycle of suffering begins again. When Schopenhauer says that all life is suffering he means everything that lives and strives, is filled with suffering, he puts it as “It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world.”(Pg 63) Suffering is ultimately caused by the frustration and conflict that arises from competition between individual wills.For Schopenhauer suffering seems to be such a great cause that the world is subjected to, he feels happiness that we experience at times is not actually happiness in life. In fact, if an individual is to measure the joy they experienced in the world it would have to be measured through Schopenhauer’s ways, as he states; “not by its joys and pleasures, but by the extent to which it has been free from suffering” (pg 64) He goes even further to say that Suffering is the purifying process through which alone, in most cases, a person is consecrated.