澳洲莫道克代写作业 政府作用
Keywords:澳洲莫道克代写作业 政府作用

澳洲莫道克代写作业 政府作用
Our government has a role to play, but ultimately it will be the actions of businesses and individuals that will determine the magnitude of the warming” (Time to end heated debate, 2013, p. 24). There are plenty of solutions and interventions that we can prevent from global warming worsening but they all start with how humans change the way we behave in making and consuming energy. In order to better things, both society and the government need to work together and implement more solutions and activities to better our world for the next generations to come. There are many solutions to prevent the constant rise in global warming greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere is the main culprit for global warming. With all the deforestation of the tropical rainforests in the Amazon, it causes carbon dioxide to be released into the air. After the trees are cut down in the forests they are burnt down which in turn causes more carbon dioxide to be released into the air. Reducing the number of tropical rainforests to be wiped out such as the Amazon will have a bigger effect on the amount of CO2 levels being released into the atmosphere.