澳洲护理作业代写 时间限制和社会问题
Keywords:澳洲护理作业代写 时间限制和社会问题

这种情况的主要挑战是由于时间限制和社会问题,Star的母亲无法提供婴儿支持措施。因此,不仅不太可能提供SSC,而且母婴依恋显然也受到了损害。这使我开始思考护士在加强这种联系和照顾没有母亲在场的NAS婴儿方面的作用。产后是婴儿与主要照顾者建立联系的关键时期,这可能对情感调节和依恋模式产生长期影响。根据Canfield et al(2017),虽然目前的健康和社会政策普遍承认初级依恋关系对婴儿健康和幸福的重要性,但现实情况是,许多物质暴露的婴儿在住院期间仅限于与亲生母亲没有互动。这种缺乏互动的原因可能包括母亲身体或精神健康不良、成瘾问题以及最常见的儿童保护服务的干预。在Star的案例中,由于母亲的不定期探视和不愿意参与,没有促进依恋。当母亲不积极参与和探望新生儿时,护士必须确保她们承担照顾婴儿的角色。虽然护理的许多方面必须由受过训练的护士来完成,但母亲也可以完成许多任务来发展依恋关系。因此,重要的是护士要支持母亲充分确立她们的角色,尽可能让她们参与这些任务,以便她们能够以有意义的方式为照顾孩子做出贡献。通过让有毒瘾的母亲参与照顾婴儿,促进母婴联系,是改善这一人群结局的最有效方法之一(Pajulo et al, 2001)。为母亲提供照顾婴儿的机会对于维持以家庭为中心的照顾是至关重要的。
澳洲护理作业代写 时间限制和社会问题
The main challenge of the situation was the inability of Star’s mother to provide infant supportive measures due to time constraints and social issues. Thus, not only was SSC unlikely to be provided but, maternal-infant attachment was clearly compromised. This led me to ponder on the nurses’ role in strengthening this bond and in the care for NAS babies without maternal presence.The post-natal period is crucial for infants in establishing connection to a primary caregiver, which can have long-standing impacts on emotional regulation and attachment patterns . According to Canfield et al (2017), although current health and social policy generally recognise the significance of primary attachment relationship to the infant’s health and well-being, the reality is many substance-exposed infants have limited to no interaction with their biological mothers while hospitalised. The reasons for this lack of interaction may include poor maternal physical or mental health, issues of addiction and, most commonly, the intervention of child protection services.As for Star’s case, attachment was not facilitated because of mother’s sporadic visits and unwillingness to participate. When mothers do not actively partake and visit their newborns, nurses must ensure they incorporate a caregiving role. Although many aspects of care must be done by a trained nurse, there are also many tasks that mothers could accomplish to develop attachment. Thus, it is important for nurses to support mothers in fully establishing their role by including them in such tasks when possible so they can contribute to their child’s care in meaningful ways . Promoting maternal-infant connection by engaging mothers with addiction in the care of their infants is one of the most effective ways to improve outcomes for this population (Pajulo et al, 2001). Providing opportunities for mothers to care for their babies is essential to maintain family-centred care.