Nursing Assignment 代写:护理学范文
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As is demonstrated in the scenario, Mark, a 42 year old male, fell off the barn roof while fixing a leak caused by a severe storm. He fell approximately 8 meters landing on a hay bale with his feet. Moments later, Mark was found by one farm hand that fortunately didn’t move him and called for ambulance.
Mark was sent to the ED via helicopter at 1400 hrs. He was on a spinal transport board when arrived. Mark’s neck, correctly sized and placed, was stiff. L arm IV was inserted in the cubital fossa with 1lt of normal saline running with about 250 mls left. Besides, Mark was supplied with 101pmO2 via Hudson mask. According to cardiac monitor, he appeared to the sinus tachycardia. And the function of capillary refill counted for >2secs. Mark’s body was covered with a sheet with blood stains. His skin was cool to touch. It can be concluded that the mechanism of Mark’s injury is falling 8 meters from the roof.
As mentioned above, the mechanism of Mark’s injury is falling from 8 meters from the roof. It can be concluded that Mark is severely injured as the fall is more than three times greater than his height. (Ferrera, 2001) To be specific, Mark’s injuries mainly occur in his spinal. Severe trauma resulted from muscular tissue, including his feet, legs and thoraco-lumbar part. With regard to the nature of his injuries, it can mainly be concluded as severe trauma in his torso resulted from the great impact of the fall. (Payneames & Smock, 2003) He landed on the hay bale, which fortunately decreased the impact to certain extent. While he landed with his feet first, his injury mainly concentrates on lower extremity. Great impact caused by the fall results in intense energy on his torso. Direct shock on his feet, legs lead to physical severe injury, which can be concluded from blood stained sheet covered on his torso. His thoraco-lumbar spine is at the same time severely injured as a result of the impact.
Falls from height possess great harm to the victim not only for existing damages but also for potential physiological risks. In this specific case, dislocation and fracture may be the potential risks of Mark. Basically, a dislocation refers to the abnormal displacement of the joint’s articulating surfaces so that the surfaces are not kept in contact. It appears to be a common risk of severe trauma disrupting the holding ligaments. (Porth, 2011, p. 1098) Falling from such a height, Mark may have potential risk of dislocation in the joint of the lower limbs. Besides, fracture seems to be another risk for Mike. Normally, a fracture implies a disruption in a bone’s continuity. (Porth, 2011, p. 1102) The fall from the roof may directly lead to the fracture of Mike’s hip.
In accordance to the clinical situation of Mark, the expected healing stages can be divided into the following. Triage often represents the first step, which is mainly designed to determine the severity of injury and need for urgent nursing care. Then diagnosis is the second stage for the healing. This stage focuses on a definite and complete comprehension of the clinical situation of the victim, including existing symptoms and potential risks. After that, urgent handle of the patient’s injury is the content of the third phase. And then the care goes to tissue and bone healing process. (Porth, 2011, p. 1104) For the sake of healing, a few physiological requirements are to be complied with. For instance, the body of the victim must be moved slowly so that the energy transfer occurs not too rapidly to cause trauma. And practitioners are supposed to pay more attention to potential risks for the victim instead of focusing on superficial damages. (Dolan & Holt, 2008, p. 132)
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