澳洲珀斯论文代写 答辩感谢辞

澳洲珀斯论文代写 答辩感谢辞
Thanks to my parents for their spiritual and financial support, as well as for giving me the strength to continue pursuing my dream throughout my graduate study, so far. My friend forever, Ms. Qiao, deserve my wholehearted thanks as well. I also owe my gratitude to Dr. Zhu, who sourced every opportunity for me to get help for writing the thesis, Dr. Kalyango, a diligent professor who inspired me to pursue reaching for the stars, and to Mr. Rathore, who tutored me while I wrote this thesis and helped prepare me for my oral defense of it.
Last but not least, I thank all of those who participated in my thesis experiment, without whom I could not have created the knowledge presented herein. Thank you all!