
billion people living in poverty, 70% are girls and women. Of this 70% living in poverty, 60 million girls are denied access to primary school. (Plan Canada 2010). Inhibiting girls' education at an early age causes detrimental effects to their well being, their families and communities. Plan Canada, a not for profit governmental organization, has directly addressed this issue and come up with a specific campaign to tackle the problem of women, poverty and education. This program is called "Because I am a Girl." Plan Canada has 17 funding countries and 66 program countries in the areas of Asia, Africa and the Caribbean and South and Central America. (Ibid) "Because I am a girl," is a "global movement for change" that provides aid specifically to girl children and women in these developing countries who are facing discrimination and barriers based on gender. (Ibid) Plan Canada believes that investing in girls in developing countries is the means to reducing poverty and instability. Girls have a unique quality where they possess the power to positively influence those around them. When they become successful, they will reinvest and give back to their families and communities, which will further alleviate the cycle of poverty. "If they are healthy, educated and empowered they will pull themselves out of poverty and bring their children, communities and nations along with them." (Plan Canada 2010) It is this reason that investing in the world's women and girls is so important. It is essential to note that, the "Because I am a girl," program is not one that is segregated or separated from men and other developmental programs and is not another attempt at the Women In Development (WID) approach from the mid 1970s which ultimately increased women's workload and disempowered women. The program is designed to assist women and girls in bringing themselves out of poverty and providing the necessary means that may not be readily available to them. It is important not to widen the gap between men and women or reinforce gender inequality as the WID approach has previously done. "Because I am a girl," invests in the livelihood of women and girls in developing countries and is simply trying to create and bring about equality for women. Investing money in girls' education is the key to increasing development in Third World Countries as it provides the platform for economic growth, poverty reduction and social return. As a financial donator to the "Because I am a girl" program I fully support the values, beliefs and intentions of the program and organization.