澳洲珀斯论文代写 大学结构管理
Keywords:澳洲珀斯论文代写 大学结构管理

本分析将以四年制大学为重点,讨论其历史、管理、资金和结构,以呈现高等教育格局中面临的两个问题。我选择专注于四年制大学是因为我现在在四年制大学的角色。这种经历,尤其是学生环境,与我自己所受的教育有很大的不同。我本科就读于一所大型公立学校,Bok将其归类为研究型大学,而我的研究生学习是按照他对综合性大学的定义完成的(Bok 2013)。这两所学校的学生和员工都比我现在的学校多,他们的使命都是研究、发展和研究生教育。此外,我的第一份高等教育工作是在一所营利性大学工作,我在四个州的16所大学工作。这些与我目前情况截然不同的经历,让我看到了四年制大学在高等教育领域的独特定位,以及它们之间是多么的不同。根据美国高等教育的历史和模糊的术语,四年制大学的定义可能有所不同。Bok将四年制大学定义为以文科为中心的小型机构,通常由宗教实体组织。最初的美国高等教育机构本质上是私人的、宗教性质的,对精英、年轻人开放(Brint and Clotfelter 2016)。今天,他们往往是私营和非营利机构,虽然他们是为数众多的机构之一,服务于高等教育景观的最小部分(Bok 2013)。通俗地说,这些机构也被称为文理学院。20世纪90年代,大卫·布雷曼(David Breneman)开始使用1987年的卡耐基分类来定义文理学院。当时,文理学院被分为两组,“文科第一组”的定义是超过一半的学位授予文科和理科,而“文科第二组”授予的学位不到一半授予同一类别(Breneman 1990)。布雷内曼认为,从研究生项目的存在和所进行的研究数量来看,这些群体过于宽泛。他将文理学院的特点描述为:教育结构、住宿、传统的学生获得文学学士学位,以及经济结构、学费依赖型、招生人数少于2000人、学生竞争激烈。根据他的严格定义,他将540所文理学院缩减至212所。
澳洲珀斯论文代写 大学结构管理
This Analysis of Intuitional Type paper will focus on Four-Year Colleges, discussing their history, governance, funding, and structure in order to present two issues that they are facing within the higher education landscape. I chose to focus on Four-Year Colleges because of my current role at a Four-Year College. The experience, especially the student environment, is considerably different from that of my own education. I attended a large, state school for my undergraduate studies, which Bok classify as a Research University, while my graduate studies were completed at his definition of a Comprehensive University (Bok 2013). In both instances, there were thousands of students and staff more than my current institution, with missions focused on research, development, and a predominance of graduate education. Additionally, my first higher education position was with a For-Profit College where I worked at one campus of sixteen that were located in four different states. These very different experiences from my current situation have opened my eyes to the unique niche that Four-Year Colleges serve within the higher education landscape and how diverse they are from one another. Defining Four-Year Colleges can vary based on the history of higher education in the United States as well as nebulous terms. Bok defines Four-Year Colleges as small institutions that typically centered on the liberal arts and were often originally organized by religious entities. The original American institutions of higher learning were private and religious in nature and were open to elite, young men (Brint and Clotfelter 2016). Today, they tend to be private and non-profit institutions and, while they are one of the most numerous types of institutions, serve the smallest segment of the higher education landscape (Bok 2013). Colloquially, these institutions are also called Liberal Arts Colleges. In the 1990s, David Breneman set out to define Liberal Arts Colleges using the 1987 Carnegie Classifications. At that time, Liberal Arts Colleges were divided into two groups, “Liberal Arts I” were defined by having more than half of their degrees awarded in the arts and sciences, while “Liberal Arts II” awarded less than half in the same category (Breneman 1990). Breneman felt these groups were too broad based on the presence of graduate programs or the amount of research performed. He characterized Liberal Arts Colleges by their educational structure, residential, traditional students earning Bachelors of Arts degrees, and their economic structure, tuition-dependent, enrolling less than 2000 students and in competition for students. Based on his strict definitions, he narrowed the list of 540 Liberal Arts institutions to 212 。