Psychology Assignment代写:Limitations and future
Keywords:Psychology Assignment代写,Psycho

Nonetheless, certain limitations of the current design need to be considered. Firstly, the nature of the MDMT restricts the generalisability of the results. It is unclear whether these findings will extend to conditions of objective uncertainty or ambiguity when outcome probabilities are clearly defined or unknown, respectively. Furthermore, despite the high reliability estimates obtained for the decision tendencies, their temporal stability will require investigation. It would also be of interest to examine whether these results extend to actual medical students and on paradigms built on other context frameworks, such as military, political, or nuclear emergency scenarios. This will be possible to achieve utilising the MDMT framework in a similar format or in more advanced designs such as micro-worlds. Essentially, future research will need to assess a more diverse range of decision contexts, and this can be accomplished using the framework of the present study.
A further limitation involves the utilisation of only three distinct cognitive markers. Other than those already discussed, a further consequence of this was that the role of general cognitive ability (Intelligence)⎯undeniably crucial to optimal decision-making in general⎯might not have been appropriately represented. Administering both a broader selection of tests would be necessary to appropriately consider a fuller range of cognitive abilities. This will also allow for the use of Confirmatory factor analytic techniques to more stringently examine the expected structure of the metacognitive factors across tests. In line with previous research, we recommend that future studies utilise at least six to eight different ability tests, aiming to have at least three markers for each cognitive domain, Gf and Gc.
Furthermore, due to the logistics, the sample population was restricted in size and relatively homogenous. The extent to which these results generalise outside of a first year psychology student population in terms of culture, intelligence, socio-economic status, life-experiences, andother such variables must be examined. Testing a larger and, importantly, more relevant sample, including doctors and medical students, will be of great benefit to future research.
Additional studies into a variety of psychometrically sound individual tendencies might yield great benefit. MDMT like paradigms could help examine such equivalence by establishing the point between and within individuals at which the switch from incongruent to congruent decision-making occurs. Furthermore, a large collection of variables purported to underlie individual differences in decision-making presently exist and continue to emerge (see Appelt, Milch, Handgraaf, & Weber, 2011 for a review). It may be of future benefit to examine how these measures relate to confidence and with each other. Such endeavours offer new avenues of research and can provide a clearer and more unified approach to the study of individual differences in decision-making.
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