澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育职能
Keywords:澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育职能

学校的主要职能之一,是为学生提供技能和知识,以助他们实现上中学后的抱负。研究证据表明,大学和雇主报告说,高中毕业生准备不足。残疾学生在高中毕业后的过渡中经历了更多的困难,尽管《2004年想法》要求通过个人教育计划来解决这种过渡。为残疾学生提供的干预措施必须有效,以实现过渡目标。其中一个干预项目是在线平台Naviance。导航功能的职业生涯和大学探索,目标设定,和兴趣剖析组件。本研究将职业决策自我效能感作为一种定量测量,以确定职业决策自我效能感与导航平台交互作用之间的相关性。交互将包括学生之间的登录次数以及导航框架内的其他特定活动。本研究假设,学生样本中导航互动的增加,将与学生职业决策自我效能感得分的提高密切相关。随着世界各地的课程将21世纪的技能融合在一起,高中毕业生重新成为大学毕业生和职业毕业生的焦点。在美国,不同的州对学院和职业准备有不同的定义(college, 2014)。最终,每一种定义都包含了准备过渡到大学或就业所需要的能力。然而,有证据表明,高中并没有有效地让学生为大学或职业生涯做好准备。三分之一的高中毕业生没有为大学课程做好准备(Petrilli, 2017)。在进入大学的毕业生中,超过50%的人没有获得学位(DiBenedetto & Myers, 2016)。在《2016年教育改革现在》报告中,收集的数据显示,在2011-2012学年期间,超过50万个家庭在补救干预上花费了超过10亿美元(Barry & Dannenberg, 2016)。据预测,到2020年,美国的大部分职业都需要受过高等教育,这使得这个问题更加复杂。
澳洲悉尼assignment代写 教育职能
One of the major functions of school is to provide students the skills and knowledge to succeed in post-secondary aspirations. Research evidence shows that colleges and employers report that high school graduates are underprepared. Students with disabilities experience more difficulty in transitioning out of high school, even though IDEA 2004 mandates that transition is addressed through the Individual Education Program. Interventions to provide students with disabilities must be effective in order to meet transition goals. One intervention program is the online platform Naviance. Naviance features career and college exploration, goal-setting, and interest profiler components. Using Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy as a quantitative measure, this study will determine any correlation between it and the interactions of the Naviance platform. Interactions will include the number of login occurrences among students along with other specific activities within the Naviance framework. It is hypothesized that increased interactions with Naviance among the student sample will strongly correlate with higher scores in Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy among those students.As curriculums around the globe integrate 21st century skills, there is a renewed focus on high school graduates being college and career ready. In the United States, different states have various definitions for the term college and career readiness (College, 2014). Ultimately, each definition encompasses the abilities needed to preparedly transition to college or employment. However, there is evidence that suggests high schools are not effectively preparing students for collegiate or vocational endeavors. One third of high school graduates are not prepared for college level courses (Petrilli, 2017). Of the graduates that do enter college, over 50% do not earn a degree (DiBenedetto & Myers, 2016). In a 2016 Education Reform Now report, data collected showed that over 500,000 families spent more than one billion dollars on remedial interventions during the 2011-2012 academic year (Barry & Dannenberg, 2016). Compounding this problem is the projection that by 2020, a majority of careers in the United States will require post-secondary education.
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