
本文是最近在网上购物,特别是服务的连锁超市塞恩斯伯里的分析提供了上涨的分析从市场管理的角度,试图将最近的活动塞恩斯伯里在战略和市场驱动的框架,评估的程度,其管理决策符合该地区现有的理论。为此,本文不仅是一个真实的世界公司使用当代理论的评估和检查,但该理论的评价,因为它体现在一个实际情况。塞恩斯伯里在英国市场零售业历史悠久,但其在线服务最初的营销活动,塞恩斯伯里的你,很令人失望,迫使重新推出的品牌重塑运动2006(Lyons,2006),以符合客户需求。这使得塞恩斯伯里在线(现在叫)一纸处理市场管理的理想对象。我们希望这篇文章既代表了市场驱动的管理在实践中的轮廓和评价,但也研究如何一个相对传统的公司可以响应客户的需求,并把这些纳入他们的品牌运动和他们的企业文化。 兰宾(2000)指出,“市场营销是一种经营理念和行动导向的过程”(兰宾,2000:3);它既有抽象的基础和实际应用,因此,改变以适应周围的社会经济和社会政治形势。营销不仅存在作为一个公司和它的客户之间的接口,但也作为一个意向声明内的市场,定义市场份额和产品布局。传统上,营销常常被视为一种利用(甚至可能创造)的方法,有时,消费者的潜意识需要和欲望。马多克和富尔顿的教科书的1996营销思路:广告与营销的右脑策略,例如旨在用心理技术来创建一个需要在一个消费者可以利用一个公司在一个圆形的创造和满足欲望的过程。作为一个活跃的动词,营销已经来描述的过程中产生的利益,一旦产品已经创建,而不是有一个完整的地方在研究,开发和生产本身。
This paper represents an analysis of the recent rise in online home shopping and more specifically the service offered by the supermarket chain Sainsbury’s. The analysis derives from a market driven management perspective and attempts to place the recent activity by Sainsbury’s within a strategic and market driven framework, assessing the degree to which its management decisions fit in with existing theory in this area. To this end then, this paper represents not only an assessment and examination of a real world company using contemporary theory but an evaluation of that theory as it manifests within a practical situation. Sainsbury’s has a long history of retail within the British market, however the initial marketing campaign for its online service, Sainsbury’s To You, was disappointing, forcing a re-launch and re-branding exercise in 2006 (Lyons, 2006) that aimed to be more in tune with customer needs. This makes Sainsbury’s Online (as it is now called) an ideal subject for a paper dealing with market driven management. It is hoped that this paper represents both an outline and evaluation of market driven management in praxis but also a study of how a relatively traditionally based company can respond to customer needs and incorporate these into their branding exercises and their corporate culture.
As Lambin (2000) states, “Marketing is both a business philosophy and an action-orientated process” (Lambin, 2000: 3); it has both an abstract base and a practical application and, as such, changes to suit the surrounding socio-economic and socio-political situation. Marketing not only exists as an interface between a company and its customers but also as a statement of intent within a marketplace that serves to define market share and product placement. Traditionally, marketing has often been seen as a way of exploiting (or perhaps even creating) sometimes, unconscious needs and desires within consumers. Maddock and Fulton’s 1996 textbook Marketing to the Mind: Right Brain Strategies for Advertising and Marketing, for instance aims to use psychological techniques to create a perceived need within a consumer that can be exploited by a company in a circular process of creation and satiation of desire. Used more as an active verb, marketing has come to describe the process of interest generation once a product has been created, rather than having an integral place within research, development and production itself.