
一些女权主义者被指控对性持负面观点,认为所有的性行为都是强奸,男性是负面的性别。然而,Dworkin和MacKinnon真正讨论的是,双方同意的性行为和强奸之间的区别是程度上的,而不是种类上的(Kinloch & Grebowicz, 2004)。换句话说,同样的性行为发生在强奸或两厢情愿的关系中,有时很难判断什么时候发生了强奸或想要性。在审视性的时候,有很多观点。Thomas A. Mappes写了一篇关于利用另一个人来获得性满足的文章。人真的被利用了吗?什么是强制性的,什么是两厢情愿的?当一个人审视性问题时,这些问题就会浮现出来。mapp开始一块名为“性道德和使用另一个人”的概念与概念的婚外性行为,如果事实上不是不道德的,和性没有爱也不是不道德的,那么理所当然,没有实质性的道德限制任何性行为。这是一个不同的概念。这将意味着一种随性而为的态度将占上风,街上的狂欢将被允许,就像动物聚在一起交配一样。然而,现实是人类是谦虚的。他们对熟人隐瞒自己的性生活。有些人是关起门来搞关系的,比如杰西·詹姆斯(Jesse James)和老虎·伍兹(Tiger Woods),但即使这些秘密的恋情是公开的,个人也会把它解释为一种瘾。
Some feminists have been accused of providing a negative view of sex, suggesting that all sex is rape and that males are the negative gender. Yet, what Dworkin and MacKinnon were really talking about was that the difference been consensual sex and rape is one of degree and not of kind (Kinloch & Grebowicz 2004). In other words, the same sex act occurs in rape or consensual relationships, and sometimes it is difficult to tell when a rape has occurred or the sex was desired. When examining sex, there are many points of view. Thomas A. Mappes writes about the idea of using another person for sexual gratification. Are people really being used? What is coercive and what is consensual? These questions loom when one examines the subject of sex.Mappes begins a piece entitled ” Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person” with the notion that if in fact the nonmarital sex is not immoral, and that sex without love is not immoral either, then it stands to reason that there are no substantive moral restrictions on any acts of sex. This is a different concept to fathom. It would mean that an anything goes attitude would prevail and that orgies in the street would be permissible much like animals gather to mate. Yet, the reality is that human beings are modest. They hide their sex lives from their acquaintances. Some engage in relationships behind closed doors like Jesse James and Tiger Woods, but even when such clandestine affairs are out in the open, individuals explain it away as an addiction.