昆士兰理工大学代写 执法工作环境
Keywords:昆士兰理工大学代写 执法工作环境

执法是一个要求很高的工作环境。警察每天的工作使他们身心俱疲。工作上的同事有时会低估彼此。例如,琳恩·约翰逊(Lynne Johnson)回应了一名武装男子威胁要自杀的请求。一名男性警官也响应了这一呼叫,当他出现时,这名警官看到了两名女性警官,因此不想留下来。约翰逊和她的搭档成功而专业地处理了这种情况(威尔斯46)。如果那名男警官留下来,他就会看到女警官们把那名持枪男子制服,使他没有自杀,并把枪拿走。永远不要因为一个人不是男人就低估他。如果处理得当,有些情况可以通过沟通技巧来解决。男性军官有女性所缺乏的体力,但另一方面,研究表明女性有更好的语言技能来帮助解决危险的情况(Gaines 111)。警察应受到平等对待,并被信任有能力履行其职责,特别是在根据有关警官个人的能力和训练分配职责的情况下。警官在巡逻时指派伙伴,但有时一些男性警官可能对女性伙伴缺乏信任,在出现情况时需要女性伙伴掩护。
昆士兰理工大学代写 执法工作环境
Law enforcement is a demanding environment to work in. Police work is physically and mentally exhausting for officers each day. Colleagues at work underestimate each other at times. For example, Lynne Johnson responded to a call for an armed man threatening to commit suicide. A male officer responded to the call as well, and when he showed up, the officer saw two female officers and did not want to stick around because of this. Johnson and her partner handled the situation successfully and professionally (Wells 46). If the male officer had stayed he would have witnessed the female officers calming down the armed man from committing suicide and taking the gun away. Never underestimate someone just because that person may not be a man. Some situations can be handled through skills in communicating when done properly.Male officers have physical strength that a female officer may lack but on the other hand studies have shown that women have better verbal skills that help resolve dangerous situations (Gaines 111). Police officers should be treated as equals and trusted to be capable of doing their duties, especially where the duties are assigned according to the capabilities and training of the individual officers concerned. The police sergeant assigns partners when they patrol however at times some male officers may lack trust in a female partner to cover their back if a situation arises.