
在过去几年里,Netflix的业绩一直好于前一年。在过去的三年里,Netflix创造了更多的收入,每股收益也有所增长。2016年至2017年,Netflix的净收入增长了100.02%。此外,截至2017年12月16日,Netflix目前的股价为190.12美元。这与Netflix 2016年的每股盈利(eps)有很大的不同,2016年基本每股盈利为0.44美元,2017年基本每股盈利为0.87美元。这两个指标得出的结论是,Netflix在业内表现良好,并将在未来几年继续取得成功和增长。然而,自2016年以来,Netflix的总收入从2016年的8830美元(百万美元)下降到2017年的8406美元(百万美元)(纳斯达克),相差42.4万美元(-0.048%)。这可能会导致一些潜在投资者担心该公司的财务状况,但那些担心的人可能没有考虑到该公司持续的季度收益。减少的部分原因可能是会计报告没有考虑假期期间的季节性订户,以及国际市场报告指标的延迟。公司的整体财务状况可以从表1的资产负债表中看出。自2016年以来,Netflix的总资产负债表增长了22.04%,这意味着该公司的总资产和市值比前几年增长了近四分之一。
Netflix has been outperforming its prior year statements consistently over the past several years. Over the course of the past 3 years Netflix has generated more income and has produced an increase in earnings per share. Between 2016 and 2017 Netflix’s net income has increased a total of 100.02%. In addition, Netflix is currently trading at $190.12 as of December 16, 2017. This is a substantial difference from the earnings per share (eps) of Netflix from 2016 which had a basic eps of .44 compared to 2017 which it is at .87 basic eps. These two-metrics lead to the conclusion that Netflix is performing well within the industry, and will see continued success and growth for the coming years.However, since 2016 Netflix has had a decrease in total revenue from $8,830(m) in 2016 to $8,406(m) (Nasdaq) in 2017, which is a difference of $424,000 (-0.048%). This may lead some potential investors to worry about the financial health of the firm however those who have concerns likely have not taken the firm’s consistent quarterly gains into account. This decrease may be due in part to the accounting report not considering seasonal subscribers during the holiday period as well as a delay in reporting metrics from international markets. The overall financial health of the firm can be best seen in Table 1 regarding the balance sheet. Since 2016 Netflix has reported a 22.04% increase in total balance sheet, meaning the company has increased total assets and market value by almost a quarter of its previous years value.