澳洲犯罪学作业代写 两种随访

澳洲犯罪学作业代写 两种随访
The procedure of the fourth round illustrates that two kinds of follow-up can be made over the five years following the MER, a regular follow-up or an enhanced follow-up according to their compliance rate. [7] Once the MER is accepted, a list of success and vulnerabilities will be issued. In further years, the country has to address the action taken to resolve its vulnerabilities through several updates. This method also includes an evaluation of the progress made by the government to react to the issue detected during the MER. The process takes five years to keep a constant evaluation through three reports on the progress made until the 5th year follow-up assessment. The primordial function of the MER is to create international cooperation and involvement between jurisdictions to incorporate the FATF requirement and to identify their area of improvement. The effects allow governments to identify high-risk jurisdiction and to lead the country to adopt or improve their policy thanks to the political weight of the FATF members. Furthermore, as the FATF president reports many aspects for the fight against ML and TF such as the multilateral legal assistance, the seizure of assets and forfeiture of properties, extradition require a partnership between governments in order to provide successful support to the international financial investigations. The jurisdiction chosen is France to describe the main laws and the regime applicable to the fight against Money Laundering. France taking part in the European Union had to transpose within its internal regime the five European directives against Money laundering and counter financing Terrorism directly linked to the FATF recommendations. The French regime defines the offences and the applicable sanctions of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism in the article 324-1[9] and 421-1[10] in his Penal Code. This is the main support for the government to define the offences and the applicable sanctions. The ministry for the economy and finance is responsible for settling preventing measures against these offences which are edited by the Monetary and Financial Code (CMF) and gathered in the article .This article regulates all professions whose role is to control, realise or advise money movement for individuals to complete a Suspicious Transaction Report (SAR) if they are aware that the origins of the funds come from criminal activity.