
金环,泰勒,Kemeny和安东(2002)检查在患炎症性肠病的还包括生活质量和医患关系的措施,这一问题的研究。通过包括生活质量的概念,他们把它从-在以前的研究-结果,成为一个原因。在使用这些标准,研究人员能够解释57%的变化服用药物的意图。这个更大的一部分(30%)是由来自HBM的措施预测。相反,在以往的研究结果在糖尿病患者中,20%的方差占的感知风险。最后的8%是由生活质量与HBM的相互作用占。戈德林等人。(2002)在HBM的两部分重要,成本和收益。他们发现,如果患者的情况严重的IBD是他们更容易在不严重影响患者更面向成本,注重成本与效益。他们的研究结果表明,其他研究依赖于角色扮演的健康参与者可能不会提供准确的结果,参与者不会权衡的成本和收益的治疗,如真正的患者与真正的疾病。除了这些因素,医患关系也被认为是重要的,特别是强度的建议,一个特定的疗程被发现预测的方差的7%。一个显着的缺点,这项特别的研究应该指出,因为它只测量意图坚持治疗制度。打算坚持和实际行为之间的关系没有测量,虽然金环等人。(2002)报告说,Meta分析的研究表明,在意向方差40%-50%的转化成实际行为变异19-38 %:没有这样一个令人印象深刻的结果。
Goldring, Taylor, Kemeny & Anton (2002) examined this question in their study of patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease by also including measures of quality of life and the doctor-patient relationship. By including the notion of quality of life they turn it from - as in much previous research - an outcome, into a cause. In using these criteria the researchers were able to explain 57% of the variation in medication-taking intention. The larger part of this (30%) was that predicted by measures derived from the HBM. In contrast to the findings in previous studies in diabetic patients, 20% of the variance was accounted for by the perceived risk. The final 8% was accounted for by the interaction effect of quality of life with the HBM. Goldring et al. (2002) place significant importance on two parts of the HBM, the costs and the benefits. They found that if the patient's case of IBD was serious they were more likely to pay attention to both costs and benefits while less seriously affected patients were more oriented towards the costs. Their results suggested that other studies that relied on role-playing by healthy participants might not be providing accurate results as participants would not be weighing the costs and benefits of treatments like real patients with real diseases. Apart from these factors, the doctor-patient relationship was also found to be important, in particular the strength of the recommendation of a particular course of treatment was found to predict 7% of the variance. A significant drawback of this particular study should be noted, in that it only measured the intention to adhere to a treatment regime. The relationship between intention to adhere and the actual behaviour was not measured, although Goldring et al. (2002) report that meta-analytical studies have suggested that a 40-50% variance in intention translates into a 19-38% variance in actual behaviour: not such an impressive result.
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