
Multi-agency working has been identified as an effective method of early identification and intervention to address complex needs (Carpenter, 2000) and the need to improve multi-agency working to support individuals with complex and profound learning difficulties was highlighted in the White Paper Valuing People (Department of Health, DoH 2001). Valuing People advocates a person-centred approach to delivering "real change in the lives of people with learning disabilities" (p. 5) by providing "a single, multi-agency mechanism for achieving this" (p.5). The paper suggests that in order to reach the key objective that "disabled children gain maximum life-chance benefits from educational opportunities," (p. 122) it is essential that health care and social care should adopt a multi-agency, coordinated approach to support individuals, as well as their parents or carers. The overarching aim of coordinating services through joint working practices across health, social care and education is to provide a 'seamless service' (DfES, 2003, 2004) to give children the best possible start in life and to overcome the difficulties otherwise faced by families through fragmented services (DoH, 2006).The research base in this area proposes that multi-agency working is a key facilitating factor for enabling children with complex and profound learning difficulties to gain improved life-chances and educational opportunities as well as providing support for parents and carers. The next step is to consider how effective multi-agency working can be achieved.