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根据Sproles和Kendal(1986)的说法,品牌意识主要是消费者对一些普通和知名品牌的心理偏好。品牌、质量和价格都是消费者经常感到困惑的概念,这在品牌的定义中很明显,一些消费者认为品牌就是质量(Husic和Cicic, 2009)。品牌意识是影响时尚和奢侈品牌消费的一个因素,人们认为有一些品质会影响消费者选择某些品牌的选择(Solomon, 1983)。这是显而易见的,在消费者中,他们喜欢炫耀他们所获得的好品牌。这些消费者最终将支付更高的价格来购买这些产品(Deeter-Schmelz等人,2000)。在美国、欧洲和亚洲,一些著名的时尚和奢侈品牌的消费者也有类似的感受。这些消费者认为,当他们使用一些著名品牌时,他们会展示和提升自己的地位和自我认知,这是因为品牌是群体身份的象征(Johansson et al., 1994)。在这些国家,个人的穿着决定了他们的尊重和社会地位,因为这反映了个人拥有的财富。Michael Kors品牌的高价格使得他们的产品更吸引一些购买产品的顾客,以展示他们的地位,因为他们认为品牌的声誉是在昂贵的产品中显示出来的。这些客户总是关心信誉,他们总是愿意购买那个品牌,以展示和维护他们的地位。因此,品牌意识是影响名牌购物的一个重要因素,消费者倾向于将自我概念与品牌符号联系起来。这些类型的消费者主要认为Michael Kors品牌提升了他们的声望,并且对Michael Kors所生产的产品赞不绝口,这也帮助了其他喜欢与这个品牌有关联的人建立了自己的愿望。
According to Sproles and Kendal (1986), brand consciousness is the preference mainly psychological that consumers have towards some common and famous brands. Brand, quality, and price are concepts that are frequently being confused by the consumers this is evident in the definition of brand where some consumers feel that brand is all about quality (Husic and Cicic, 2009). Brand consciousness is a factor that influences the consumption of fashion and luxury brands and it is believed that there are qualities which symbolic that influence the choice of consumers to adopt certain brands (Solomon, 1983). This is evident and it is seen in consumers who love to show off the good brands that they had acquired. These consumers will end up paying prices that are higher in order to acquire those items (Deeter-Schmelz et al., 2000). There is a similar perception among the consumers of some of the famous fashion and luxury brand in USA, Europe, and in Asia. These consumers believe that when they are seen using some of the famous brands it depicts and boost their status and self-recognition, this I because a brand name is a symbol of group identity (Johansson et al., 1994). In these countries, what an individual wears determines their esteem and social position since it reflects on the amount of wealth that an individual has. A high price of the Michael Kors brand makes their products to more attractive to some of their some customers who buy products in order to showcase their status since they believe that brand prestige is being shown in items that are expensive. These customers are always concerned about prestige and they are always willing to purchase that brand in order to showcase and uphold their status. This, therefore, makes brand consciousness to be an important factor that influences prestige shopping and there is a tendency among its consumers to connect their self-concepts to the symbols of that brand. These types of consumers mainly believe that Michael Kors brand enhance their prestigious self-image and there has been praise all over concerning the products that are being produced by Michael Kors and this has helped build the desire among other individuals who love to be associated with the brand. 

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