
在提供卫生保健时,手是细菌传播的关键途径(世卫组织2009年),有效的手卫生将减少可预防的卫生保健/医院相关感染(HCAI)的数量,从而全面降低患者死亡率。这证明了手部卫生在医疗保健中是至关重要的,因此这次作业将讨论我在临床实践中对这一重要技能的应用。英国国家卫生保健研究所(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)表示,在NHS医院接受治疗的人中,每16人中就有1人感染了甲氧西林耐药葡萄球菌(MRSA)等医院获得性感染。在这篇文章中,我的目标是突出的过程和步骤,当执行手部卫生,为什么我执行这个技能,什么时候,在哪里,为什么这个技能应该应用。最后,我将思考这个技能是如何影响我未来的实践的。我所在的信托机构已经制定了一项手部卫生政策,所有医疗保健专业人员都严格遵守。根据世界卫生组织(世卫组织)《世界患者安全联盟》(2006)手册,本政策规定了“护理点手部卫生的五个时刻”,该手册提供了何时进行手部卫生的信息。期间我的位置,五个时刻我执行手部卫生,建议的政策,主要包括但不限于以下实例:病人接触之前,执行一个无菌的任务之前,无论是否戴手套,体液接触后,黏膜和非完整的皮肤,病人接触后最后,后与病人接触的环境。[3]此外,五个时刻通过使用酒精消毒手手摩擦包括:前或离开病房后,从被污染的身体网站干净身体网站在病人护理,消除手套后,处理食物前最后,前处理医学。
When providing healthcare, hands are the key pathway of germ transmission (WHO 2009)[1], effective hand hygiene will decrease the amount of preventable Healthcare/Hospital Associated Infections (HCAI) and consequently an overall reduction in patient mortality. This demonstrates that hand hygiene is vital within a healthcare setting and thus this assignment will discuss my application of this important skill in clinical practice. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence states that one in 16 people being treated in an NHS hospital picks up a hospital acquired infection such as meticillin-resistant staphylococcus (MRSA). [2]In this essay I will aim to highlight the process and steps taken when performing hand hygiene, why I performed this skill, when and where and why this skill should be applied. Finally, I will reflect upon how this skill has informed my future practice.The trust that I have been working in has created a hand hygiene policy which was strictly followed by all healthcare professionals. Within this policy is a ‘five moments for hand hygiene at the point of care’, adapted from the World Health Organisation (WHO) World Alliance for Patient Safety (2006) brochure, which provides information on when hand hygiene should take place. For the duration of my placement, the five moments that I carried out hand hygiene, as advised by the policy, mainly included but was not limited to the following instances: prior to patient contact, prior to carrying out an aseptic task, regardless of whether or not gloves have been worn, after body fluid exposure, mucous membrane and non-intact skin, after patient contact and lastly, after having contact with patient surroundings. [3]Furthermore, the five moments for decontaminating the hands through the use of alcohol hand rub included: prior to or after leaving the ward, moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site during patient care, after removing gloves, prior to handling food and finally, prior to handling medicine.
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