
However there are problems because the concerns of individuals are not important therefore the Blake and Mouton Grid needs to be adapted for cultural control, i.e. the needs of the culture as a whole should replace the concerns of productivity and the needs of the individual replaces the personal concern of workers. Therefore the maximization of these needs would be 9,9 where the leaders of state protect the culture and laws of society but there is some form of rights protection which cannot be derogated against, i.e. the role of law allows for individuals to participate in the government and enforce their rights in the court. This is a socialist-democratic society where the needs of the society and the needs of the individual without self-interest are met, i.e. a more holistic model. 9,1 would be a laissez faire system where the state has now societal/cultural control and libertarianism runs rampant at the expense of the society and culture. 1,9 would be a totalitarian system where the society is ruled by culture as defined by a few – this could also be a theocratic system such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore adapting this Blake and Mouton grid is a very important tool. 1,1 is a culture and culture where there is no strong associations, i.e. a loose working of people to survive and the leaders are the most satisfied, which is much the same as many underdeveloped countries where there is the very rich and very poor and no social conscience to equal out the deficiencies. 5,5 is the role of balancing culture and individuality but there is a conflict between the two rather than the working of the two in the 9,9 model. Also the leaders in this model look for self-satisfaction, in truth the liberal democracy would satisfy this 5,5 category.